Young workers demand more from employers
Cornerstone OnDemand |
Millennial employees are the most likely to quit their jobs within the next 3-6 months and seven out of ten feel their employer does not support employee growth and development.
Millennial employees are the most likely to quit their jobs within the next 3-6 months and seven out of ten feel their employer does not support employee growth and development.
Fosway Group, Europe’s #1 HR industry analyst, has released its new 2024 9-Grid™ for Talent Acquisition. Despite ongoing budget pressure in many organisations, the talent acquisition (TA) market in Europe is standing tall despite economic headwinds.
The complexity and sophistication of buyers' needs for learning systems in the largest organisations, and the systems vendors and their trajectories.
New platform aims to close worsening ‘Workforce Readiness Gap’ that is costing organisations trillions in talent and revenue losses.
A survey by Kahoot! shows a significant skills gap among professionals who present.
Mind Tools has published 'Beyond the Desk' for L&D practitioners in public sector and healthcare settings.
Budgets down, lengthening buying decisions, higher justification bar; economic pressures are having ‘significant impact’ on the sector; Interview with Myles Runham, Senior Analyst, Fosway.
Budgets down, lengthening buying decisions, higher justification bar; economic pressures are having ‘significant impact’ on the sector; Interview with Myles Runham, Senior Analyst, Fosway.
Digital learning market responds to global uncertainty with resilience but needs to focus on service offerings, 2024 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Digital Learning finds
While there are signs of a cautiously optimistic job market in the wider economy the learning market remains challenged.
Fosway Group, Europe’s #1 HR industry analyst, has released its new 2024 9-Grid™ for Learning Systems. The research shows that, while the market is negatively affected by a challenging economic climate, artificial intelligence (AI) and skills are still accelerating drivers for corporates and vendors alike.
Annual report into the learning systems market and vendor positioning published by Fosway; interview with market analyst, Fiona Leteney.
Annual report into the learning systems market and vendor positioning published by Fosway; interview with market analyst, Fiona Leteney.
A new report from Hemsley Fraser has found that UK and global companies are starting to use managed learning services providers in a more strategic advisory role alongside outsourced L&D programme provision as they build resilience to meet changing learning, upskilling and talent management needs. The study, called "Industry Report: the evolution of managed learning", also revealed that most organisations plan to expand their use of outsourcing over the next 12-18 months as they require “more with less”.
2023-24 HR Realities Research – Shaping the future of work and HR; Interview with David Perring.
2023-24 HR Realities Research – Shaping the future of work and HR; Interview with David Perring.
The annual Global Sentiment Survey in L&D finds AI the hottest topic, ever.
The annual Global Sentiment Survey in L&D finds AI the hottest topic, ever.
A snapshot of a profession undergoing rapid change.
In its 12th Year, The Blue Eskimo L&D work and Salary Report is based on a survey of over 900 Learning and Development professionals across all disciplines.
Work and Salary Report for Learning & Development published; interview with Nick Jones from recruiter, Blue Eskimo.
Work and Salary Report for Learning & Development published; interview with Nick Jones from recruiter, Blue Eskimo.
Two-thirds of organisations are struggling to find the skills they need; half of HR leaders anticipate advancements in technology and AI will further disrupt skills requirements.
What will be hot in Learning and Development in the year ahead?
Donald H Taylor opens the annual sentiment survey for L&D.
UK's top companies are failing to meet stakeholder demands for transparency on their websites in investor relations, careers and ESG; but L&D performed better.
Anna Barnett, Mind Tools for Business, discusses the third instalment of the 20th Anniversary L&D Benchmark Reports, which considers L&D’s role helping business to tackle digitization, climate change and demographic shifts.
Anna Barnett, Mind Tools for Business, discusses the third instalment of the 20th Anniversary L&D Benchmark Reports, which considers L&D’s role helping business to tackle digitization, climate change and demographic shifts.
Pluralsight's AI Skills Report finds 90% of executives don't completely understand their teams' AI skills and proficiencies.
Today, Mind Tools for Business has published the third and final instalment of its 2023 Annual L&D Benchmark Report.
The annual assessment of pay and working conditions in learning and development has opened and will report in the New Year.
High-performing cultures: What part do talent platforms play? Interview with David Perring, Fosway, on the 2023 Talent & People Success market report and 9-Grid.
High-performing cultures: What part do talent platforms play? Interview with David Perring, Fosway, on the 2023 Talent & People Success market report and 9-Grid.
Fosway Group, Europe’s #1 HR industry analyst, has released its latest 9-Grid™ for Talent & People Success. The research shows that the market is resilient and forward looking, while still focused on continued AI-focused innovation across both Suites and Specialists, as well as experiencing an ongoing trend of consolidation.
How L&D strategically aligns with business and the behaviours of high-performing teams; interview with Anna Barnett on Mind Tools’ annual L&D Benchmark Report.
How L&D strategically aligns with business and the behaviours of high-performing teams; interview with Anna Barnett on Mind Tools’ annual L&D Benchmark Report.
The survey explores the latest trends in L&D’s capability to measure learning’s impact. The resulting report will be published in early 2024.
HR vendors showing resistance to economic situation; HR suites countering disruption from specialists; vendors quick to introduce AI, corporates less so; interview with Sven Elbert, Fosway.
HR vendors showing resistance to economic situation; HR suites countering disruption from specialists; vendors quick to introduce AI, corporates less so; interview with Sven Elbert, Fosway.
15% decrease in new L&D job vacancies; more cautious approach to hiring decisions.
Today, Mind Tools for Business has published the second instalment of its 2023 Annual L&D Benchmark Report. The report explores the critical role of L&D in driving business transformation and its pivotal shift from “training provider” to “strategic business partner”.
2023 Fosway 9-Grid™ finds Cloud HR market bucks trend of recession expectations but the promise of artificial intelligence is yet to fully deliver.
As the global workforce continues to adopt artificial intelligence innovations, business leaders name AI as their employees' most significant skills gap.
New CIM Specialist Awards provides cost effective and convenient upskilling amidst industry skills shortage; Nine credit, stackable qualifications, allow marketers to study a variety of key topics flexibly; New qualifications are Ofqual regulated at Level 6.
Only 56% of women report having access to upskilling compared to 73% of men; study of 1,500 American workers aged 25 to 45.
Career development a top priority for learning and development; L&D budgets under pressure; Adaptive learning revealed as top learntech business opportunity; Importance of formal learning in the mix recognised.
Career development a top priority for learning and development; L&D budgets under pressure; Adaptive learning revealed as top learntech business opportunity; Importance of formal learning in the mix recognised.
Fosway Group, Europe’s #1 HR industry analyst, has revealed the headline insights from its annual Digital Learning Realities research, in association with Learning Technologies, the world’s leading workplace learning tech event. Now in its 9th year, the research explores how L&D teams rise to the challenge of a fast-changing business environment and tech landscape.
New research from Cornerstone reveals almost half of UK workers don’t believe their employers are meeting their development needs. On top of employee concerns, the 2023 Talent Health Index also revealed that UK employer confidence in skills development is the lowest in Europe.
Learning and Development in organizations: Reflecting on 20 years of research - interview with Anna Barnett and Nahdia Khan, Mind Tools for Business.
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