GP Strategies 2023 Career and Leadership Development Research Report Reveals Shifting Workforce Trends
GP Strategies' leadership development division has released a new research report for learning and leadership development professionals with findings on attracting and keeping the best talent.
COLUMBIA, MD, 5/22/2023—GP Strategies has released a new research report revealing current career and leadership development trends titled “2023 Career Perspectives: A Study in Paradox.” The authors developed the report with learning and development (L&D) and leadership development professionals in mind. Their findings stem from data collected by GP Strategies from over 2,000 working people around the world, including people leaders and individual contributors.
The authors shared their findings in a webinar on May 18th (access the recording here). Analysis of the data uncovered several seemingly contradictory themes, resulting in a clear pattern of paradoxes. “As we reviewed the data collected, we began to notice that despite differences in position and location, employees and leaders were ultimately aligned,” said Katy Bailey, coauthor and GP Strategies Senior Product Lead. “It became evident that the viewpoints and needs of workers everywhere are complex yet clear, which is reflected by the theme of paradoxes in the report.”
Readers of the report will discover key insights on the global workforce’s perceptions of career development.
- Calls to action—what organizations should start doing now to attract and keep the best talent.
- Paradoxical attitudes about career—what employees’ contradictory priorities are really telling us.
- Implications of the research—what’s stayed the same, what’s changed, and what’s coming next.
- Next steps—how L&D teams can future-proof their leadership strategy to support employee development.
“Our client partners have told us consistently over the last several months that employee development is critically important in 2023,” said Lisa Fagan-Joseph, GP Strategies Vice President for Leadership Development. “As we focus on issues like weathering economic conditions, cultivating innovation, and driving business growth, one need applies everywhere: We have to show our employees that they’re valued and supported—that they have a future with our organization. This report sets out the roadmap to achieving that goal.”
GP Strategies conducts regular research on current topics and trends in leadership development and other aspects of talent transformation. Other reports are available on the GPStrategies.com Resources page.
About GP Strategies
GP Strategies Corporation, part of Learning Technologies Group, is one of the world’s leading talent transformation providers. By delivering award-winning learning and development solutions, we help organizations transform through their people and achieve meaningful change. GP Strategies has delivered our innovative consulting, learning services, and talent technology solutions to over 6,000 organizations globally. Learn more at gpstrategies.com.
For further information: Nancy Williams, Vice President, Communications, GP Strategies, [email protected]