Editorial independence
Learning News contains both our own independently reported material and that posted through commercial relationships with third parties.
1. Transparency and disclosure of third party content and commercial relationships
a. Where a story is produced via a commercial relationship with Learning News we disclose this with the story.
b. Where a story is provided by a third party, irrespective of whether there is a commercial relationship in place, the name of the third party is listed underneath the headline.
2. Editorial integrity
Where a story is of our own reporting its editorial decisions are made on journalistic merit and reader interest, not commercial relationships. Such relationships do not influence our own reporting.
3. Accuracy and accountability
We strive to provide fair and accurate reporting. If we make an error, we will correct it, or, where the post is provided by a third party, request that it be corrected or remove it when necessary. Posts from third parties contain the originator's contact details for further information and can be used for raising concerns over accuracy. Readers can also report concerns about accuracy directly to Learning News, in confidence, via our contact form.
4. Editorial oversight
a. Third party posts. Learning News operates a submissions policy for third parties, to help guide them. We will correct a submission or remove it if we deem necessary. For further information please refer to the submissions policy.
b. Learning News own reporting. The editor retains full control over Learning News' reporting. Editorial decisions are guided by journalistic ethics, multiple sourcing and fact-checking. Any potential conflicts of interest are managed transparently and by keeping editorial decisions and commercial considerations separate.
For any questions regarding our editorial policies, please contact us.