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Talent solutions market report

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High-performing cultures: What part do talent platforms play? Interview with David Perring, Fosway, on the 2023 Talent & People Success market report and 9-Grid.

David Perring, Fosway: High-performing cultures. What part do talent platforms play?
David Perring, Fosway: High-performing cultures. What part do talent platforms play? 

Fosway's latest report into talent technology platforms is out. It includes an assessment of how platforms are evolving, how they are integrating AI, and the value they bring. And it includes the latest market chart, positioning the talent suites and the specialist talent technologies for buyers. 

High performing cultures will be the differentiator for organisations in the year ahead. Teams that combine the ingredients of great listening, employee intelligence, high energy, agility, and flexibility will be at the core of organisational success in the modern economy. That there are so few solutions with a proven track record of doing this at scale shows how much the HR technology market still needs to evolve to keep up with the pace of change. That few solutions have a focus on facilitating effective teaming is a missing piece in the talent empowerment puzzle today.

AI in HR is becoming a significant differentiator for talent solutions and is shaping how buyers make systems choices. Whilst still far from mainstream, AI tools are increasingly bolstering strategic workforce decision making, optimising people processes and acting as the bridge across systems to unify the people experience, but most HR teams are at formative stages; either just starting, planning, or exploring their adoption of AI.

With an assessment of the talent tech market in 2023, David Perring joins Learning News.

Programme links
Fosway market report: Talent & People Success 2023