News story

Digital Learning Realities 2023; interview with David Perring, Fosway

FoswayLearning NewsNews features

Career development a top priority for learning and development; L&D budgets under pressure; Adaptive learning revealed as top learntech business opportunity; Importance of formal learning in the mix recognised.


Career development has emerged as one of the top priorities for learning and development teams in 2023 according to research from Fosway. Other top priorities are compliance and regulatory training and upskilling and reskilling.

Sustainability and ESG training initiatives are languishing well down the priority list for L&D teams.

L&D budgets are under pressure due to the economic downturn and economic uncertainty has led to delays in new digital learning projects. Yet some are bucking trends and increasing investments in digital learning.

David Perring from Fosway joins Learning News with Fosway's latest report into the digital learning market.

Programme links

Fosway's Digital Learning Realities 2023 research