News from Learning News

    • Demand soars for human skills in the age of AI

      Learning News | Cornerstone |

      New report highlights growing workforce readiness gap as technology and innovation demand continue to outpace workforce skills; despite AI boom demand for human skills outstrips x2 demand for digital skills.

    • Tech workers can't learn fast enough

      Learning News | Pluralsight |

      Survey reveals half of current tech workers and almost a third of aspiring ones feel they can't learn fast enough to keep pace with tech; highlights a disconnect in tech skills priorities among workers.

    • Economic pressures hit digital learning market

      Learning News |

      Budgets down, lengthening buying decisions, higher justification bar; economic pressures are having ‘significant impact’ on the sector; Interview with Myles Runham, Senior Analyst, Fosway.

    • Learning systems market 2024

      Learning News | Fosway |

      Annual report into the learning systems market and vendor positioning published by Fosway; interview with market analyst, Fiona Leteney.

    • Skills Crisis: Talent management shortcomings

      Learning News | Spotted Zebra |

      Two-thirds of organisations are struggling to find the skills they need; half of HR leaders anticipate advancements in technology and AI will further disrupt skills requirements.

    • UK companies struggling with transparency

      Learning News |

      UK's top companies are failing to meet stakeholder demands for transparency on their websites in investor relations, careers and ESG; but L&D performed better.

    • Talent solutions market report

      Learning News | Fosway |

      High-performing cultures: What part do talent platforms play? Interview with David Perring, Fosway, on the 2023 Talent & People Success market report and 9-Grid.

    • L&D’s shift to business partner

      Learning News | Mind Tools for Business |

      How L&D strategically aligns with business and the behaviours of high-performing teams; interview with Anna Barnett on Mind Tools’ annual L&D Benchmark Report.

    • Cloud HR market 2023

      Learning News | Fosway |

      HR vendors showing resistance to economic situation; HR suites countering disruption from specialists; vendors quick to introduce AI, corporates less so; interview with Sven Elbert, Fosway.

    • What's changed in L&D in two decades?

      Learning News | Mind Tools for Business |

      Learning and Development in organizations: Reflecting on 20 years of research - interview with Anna Barnett and Nahdia Khan, Mind Tools for Business.

    • How learning practitioners are responding to the changing world of work

      Learning News |

      CIPD’s Learning at Work 2023 report - interview with Laura Overton and Andy Lancaster: Addressing skills is the number one priority for L&D practitioners in 2023; L&D is under pressure and its workload is widening; Collaborative applications saw the highest area of learning tech growth; Large increase in those focused on performance, but more to do; Two-thirds of L&D practitioners say they have a meaningful career.

    • L&D budgets getting squeezed

      Learning News | ILX Group |

      A new report from ILX Group considers the challenges, priorities and opportunities facing organisations in 2023 and says 50% of training programmes are not effective due to budget constraints.

    • Digital Learning Market 2023

      Learning News |

      Analysis of the digital learning market vendors, innovation and solutions, with David Perring from Fosway.

    • Learning and development salaries and work conditions

      Learning News | Blue Eskimo |

      Pay and conditions for learning professionals continues to improve; job satisfaction rises; small decrease in people changing jobs in 2023; decrease in unpaid working hours; Work and Salary Survey for L&D; interview with report author.

    • Business leadership and learning and development

      Learning News | Mind Tools for Business |

      What business leaders rate as most important are areas where they don’t believe L&D has a role: Mind Tools for Business Leadership Report 2023, interview with Anna Barnett.

    • Learning systems market 2023

      Learning News |

      Market bracing itself as recessionary pressures loom large. Fosway's 2023 learning systems market report is out; growth for some, cost-cutting for others; interview with market analyst, Fiona Leteney.

    • Coaching crucial; skills gap growing

      Learning News | NTUC LearningHub |

      Coaching is becoming more important yet the gap in the skills to provide it and knowledge about coaching is widening.

    • Elearning market $500 Bn by 2027

      Learning News |

      A new elearning market report has global market size reaching almost $500 Billion over the next five years.

    • Interview: Fosway 9-Grid™ for Digital Learning 2022

      Learning News |

      Better targeting, personalisation and learning in workflows is how L&D will tackle online fatigue, according to a new report. David Perring joins Learning News to explain the 2022 Fosway 9-Grid™ and report into the digital learning market.

    • Talent and skills gap stalling innovation

      Learning News |

      Research by Udacity and Ipsos shows that digital transformation is stalling due to lack of job-ready digital talent and that there is a significant disconnect between the views of L&D professionals and employees over how successful they think L&D’s programmes are.

    • 75% feel "stuck" personally and professionally

      Learning News |

      A study by Oracle has found the majority or workers feel lonely and disconnected and, following the pandemic, almost all now feel different about what defines their success; Employees are letting employers know that flexible working and investing in skills are now an essential part of their employment.

    • Verifiable professional credentials; proof of concept complete

      Learning News |

      Digital versions of an individual's academic achievement, professional qualifications and compliance are to get easier to manage and verify, following the successful completion of a blockchain-identity proof of concept.

    • Learning News Bulletin July 2021

      Learning News | London |

      A round up of popular stories from Learning News over the last month: Learning Performance Benchmark; hybrid working; Learner Survey 2021 shows fewer worker trained; acquisitions and investment.

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