Global leaders suffering from imposter syndrome
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Research reveals perception gap between leaders and their teams has grown by 75% over five-year period.
Research reveals perception gap between leaders and their teams has grown by 75% over five-year period.
Research from Pluralsight shows just 1.8% actively searched how to adopt AI responsibly.
Almost half of workers in the US are fearful that their skills will be obsolete within 5 years; new research from Kahoot!.
New report highlights growing workforce readiness gap as technology and innovation demand continue to outpace workforce skills; despite AI boom demand for human skills outstrips x2 demand for digital skills.
Survey reveals half of current tech workers and almost a third of aspiring ones feel they can't learn fast enough to keep pace with tech; highlights a disconnect in tech skills priorities among workers.
The top emerging companies for workforce development in 2024.
A survey by Kahoot! shows a significant skills gap among professionals who present.
Budgets down, lengthening buying decisions, higher justification bar; economic pressures are having ‘significant impact’ on the sector; Interview with Myles Runham, Senior Analyst, Fosway.
While there are signs of a cautiously optimistic job market in the wider economy the learning market remains challenged.
Annual report into the learning systems market and vendor positioning published by Fosway; interview with market analyst, Fiona Leteney.
2023-24 HR Realities Research – Shaping the future of work and HR; Interview with David Perring.
The annual Global Sentiment Survey in L&D finds AI the hottest topic, ever.
Work and Salary Report for Learning & Development published; interview with Nick Jones from recruiter, Blue Eskimo.
Two-thirds of organisations are struggling to find the skills they need; half of HR leaders anticipate advancements in technology and AI will further disrupt skills requirements.
What will be hot in Learning and Development in the year ahead?
UK's top companies are failing to meet stakeholder demands for transparency on their websites in investor relations, careers and ESG; but L&D performed better.
Anna Barnett, Mind Tools for Business, discusses the third instalment of the 20th Anniversary L&D Benchmark Reports, which considers L&D’s role helping business to tackle digitization, climate change and demographic shifts.
Pluralsight's AI Skills Report finds 90% of executives don't completely understand their teams' AI skills and proficiencies.
High-performing cultures: What part do talent platforms play? Interview with David Perring, Fosway, on the 2023 Talent & People Success market report and 9-Grid.
How L&D strategically aligns with business and the behaviours of high-performing teams; interview with Anna Barnett on Mind Tools’ annual L&D Benchmark Report.
HR vendors showing resistance to economic situation; HR suites countering disruption from specialists; vendors quick to introduce AI, corporates less so; interview with Sven Elbert, Fosway.
As the global workforce continues to adopt artificial intelligence innovations, business leaders name AI as their employees' most significant skills gap.
Only 56% of women report having access to upskilling compared to 73% of men; study of 1,500 American workers aged 25 to 45.
Career development a top priority for learning and development; L&D budgets under pressure; Adaptive learning revealed as top learntech business opportunity; Importance of formal learning in the mix recognised.
Learning and Development in organizations: Reflecting on 20 years of research - interview with Anna Barnett and Nahdia Khan, Mind Tools for Business.
CIPD’s Learning at Work 2023 report - interview with Laura Overton and Andy Lancaster: Addressing skills is the number one priority for L&D practitioners in 2023; L&D is under pressure and its workload is widening; Collaborative applications saw the highest area of learning tech growth; Large increase in those focused on performance, but more to do; Two-thirds of L&D practitioners say they have a meaningful career.
73% of UK organisations are experiencing skills shortages; remains one of the major challenges facing employers.
A new report from ILX Group considers the challenges, priorities and opportunities facing organisations in 2023 and says 50% of training programmes are not effective due to budget constraints.
Analysis of the digital learning market vendors, innovation and solutions, with David Perring from Fosway.
Pay and conditions for learning professionals continues to improve; job satisfaction rises; small decrease in people changing jobs in 2023; decrease in unpaid working hours; Work and Salary Survey for L&D; interview with report author.
What business leaders rate as most important are areas where they don’t believe L&D has a role: Mind Tools for Business Leadership Report 2023, interview with Anna Barnett.
Market bracing itself as recessionary pressures loom large. Fosway's 2023 learning systems market report is out; growth for some, cost-cutting for others; interview with market analyst, Fiona Leteney.
Trends report by Cornerstone highlights greater use of AI to predict skills needs and growth in learning content for DEIB, health and wellbeing and sustainability.
New research report into virtual and hybrid learning from Jo Cook and Jane Daly launches today.
Coaching is becoming more important yet the gap in the skills to provide it and knowledge about coaching is widening.
A new elearning market report has global market size reaching almost $500 Billion over the next five years.
Better targeting, personalisation and learning in workflows is how L&D will tackle online fatigue, according to a new report. David Perring joins Learning News to explain the 2022 Fosway 9-Grid™ and report into the digital learning market.
Interview with market analyst Fiona Leteney on the publication today of Fosway’s 2022 9-Grid™ report for the learning systems market.
Research by Udacity and Ipsos shows that digital transformation is stalling due to lack of job-ready digital talent and that there is a significant disconnect between the views of L&D professionals and employees over how successful they think L&D’s programmes are.
The elearning market is predicted to quadruple over the next six years to reach $1 Trillion.
Research from Corinium and HP with Learning and Development executives in Europe has revealed how virtual reality is revolutionising training strategies, improving performance, and creating immersive experiences for staff.
Fosway's HR Realities Research 2021 is out along with its vendor 9-Grid™ for Talent & People Success. David Perring joins Learning News to discuss how HR is changing.
A study by Oracle has found the majority or workers feel lonely and disconnected and, following the pandemic, almost all now feel different about what defines their success; Employees are letting employers know that flexible working and investing in skills are now an essential part of their employment.
Digital versions of an individual's academic achievement, professional qualifications and compliance are to get easier to manage and verify, following the successful completion of a blockchain-identity proof of concept.
The new Fosway 9-Grid™ for Cloud HR is out and David Wilson joins Learning News to talk about how the market is evolving.
Graduates consider more education and credentials; optimism exists while re-evaluating career trajectories; men more confident about career prospects than women.
A report from Pearson has revealed that nine out of ten women will take steps in the next 12 months to shift their careers and improve their job prospects.
A new report from Research and Markets has the market for e-learning in Africa at $2.2 Billon in 2020.
Pluralsight study finds pandemic and remote work uncovered skills gaps and led to new emphasis on upskilling.
A round up of popular stories from Learning News over the last month: Learning Performance Benchmark; hybrid working; Learner Survey 2021 shows fewer worker trained; acquisitions and investment.