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Learning Technologies 2024

By Rob Clarke, EditorLearning NewsNews features

Coverage from LT2024 in its 25th anniversary; highlights and interviews with participants.

Coverage from LT2024 in its 25th anniversary; highlights and interviews with participants.
Coverage from LT2024 in its 25th anniversary; highlights and interviews with participants. 

Learning Technologies celebrated its 25th anniversary this year. Eleven thousand people visited. Learning News captured the thoughts of participants: about their work, challenges and priorities, and their experiences of the show. All the coverage is listed below.

The top themes I saw were AI, people and alignment. My first reflection, as always at LT, was people found it a hugely enjoyable two days. It's the biggest event in the calendar and the biggest opportunity for lots of networking, meeting colleagues and making connections. It's clear the industry really appreciates Learning Technologies.

‘AI’… How is AI, the hottest ever topic in learning and development, according to L&D practitioners, showing itself? Is L&D getting bypassed? Has the pace of its arrival put pressure on L&D's traditional ways? How is AI used to create learning resources and can we go further than building training courses faster, cheaper? Is AI pushing L&D to align better with business, facilitate learning, growth and performance? Do we understand how AI can help organisations with skills and talent? Do the millions using generative AI to learn ‘in-the-moment’ to get work done, think they need L&D?

This year, more than any I can recall in all the twenty-five years Learning News has covered the event, questions about the viability of L&D loomed large. This is a good thing. If we don't question the fundamental purpose of L&D, we won't find the answer. My interview with Ben Betts from Learning Pool reflects this. Ben asks these hard questions of his business and the industry.

‘People’… An overriding observation from the event were participants' aims to keep people and humanity at the heart of learning. My interviews with Cammy Bean, from Kineo and Julie Drybrough, who chaired a session on organisational culture, are two I'd pick out that offer food for thought.

‘Alignment’... Is L&D having a say in how businesses get through the current difficult economy? Can L&D show to business that it is needed? Is L&D a line on a spreadsheet which the people with 'seats at the table' delete when tough times arrive?

For years we've questioned L&D's business alignment, I recall these questions in the eighties. AI has prompted eagerness to understand more about alignment. And it was on Don Taylor's mind: each year at the end of  LT I ask Don for his thoughts on priorities for L&D in the year ahead. ‘Focus on the business strategies and how to support them,’ was his top one.

Learning News is highlighting the charitable work in aid of Ukraine of Andy Wooler from Area9 Lyceum. For two years Andy has run aid into Ukraine, delivering thirty tonnes of everything from dog food to laptops. In my interview with Andy he produces a piece of shrapnel pulled from his vehicle. He refers to it as his ‘Baldrick Bullet’, believing if it's in his pocket, it can't be used to kill him on his next trip. Andy is asking for support from the L&D industry, find out how you can help at

After countless conversations and many interviews, here's the Learning News coverage of Learning Technologies 2024. Thank you to everyone who took part in our coverage, having a camera and microphone thrust at them! I hope you enjoy it and continue the discussion on social media.