News from The Performance Solution

    • iWAM goes to Ireland

      The Performance Solution | Ireland |

      The Inventory for Work Attitudes and Motivation is being brought to Ireland by The Performance Solution.

    • TPS Publishes New Coaching Research Journal

      The Performance Solution | Bath, UK |

      The Performance Solution is extremely proud to announce that we have released the first issue of our brand new research journal: “The Performance Solution: A Research Journal of Coaching, Mentoring, Supervision and NLP”.

    • Making the most of the public sector training budget

      The Performance Solution | Bath, UK |

      Following the cuts, the job-losses and the pay-freezes the public sector is faced with having to continue to provide the same service, with considerably less to offer its staff. However there are things the public sector can do in order to keep their staff motivated and better prepared to handle what lies ahead: Training. A few companies have been putting their heads together to offer the best possible solution, here’s what we’ve come up with:

    • Coaching Super-Vision: Superman or Lex Luther?

      The Performance Solution | Bath, UK |

      What's coaching supervision all about? Someone watching you, pointing out your mistakes and giving you a bad mark at the end of the session? Is it designed to restrict a coach's freedom to coach in the way that they want to? Is it to create a mainstream coach, one size fits all?

    • *** NEW Certificate in Coaching Supervision ***

      The Performance Solution | Bath, England |

      With the growth of business coaching the need for coaching supervision is becoming ever more important. The Performance Solution has launched a new training programme which will allow you to become trained and be able to provide coaching supervision to other coaches.

    • Soft skills for hard benefits

      The Performance Solution | Bath, England |

      The annual International Coaching Federation (ICF) conference is taking place this month in Orlando. We've been counting down the days and Sally Vanson is now there soaking up both sunshine and worldwide coaching news for us.

    • Retaining Your Talent

      The Performance Solution | Bath, England |

      Hanging onto the best and getting the best out of them. The recession, or credit-crunch, (those two vastly over-used words) has thrown companies into turmoil for 2 big reasons. 1. How do you keep your best staff motivated when there is so much insecurity in jobs?
      2. As the recession lifts, and more jobs become available, how do you retain your talent?

    • Need to Enhance Peoples Performance?

      The Performance Solution | Wiltshire, UK |

      'Finally assessments that provide RESULTS for behavioural change' Dr. Marshall Goldsmith. 'The versatility of Extended DISC lends itself in inclusion in several of our Leaddership Development Programmes' Ashley Miles, Director, Worldwide Learning & Development, Pfizer Inc. 'There are many good assessment tools on the market for use in coaching and leadership development - Extended DISC is just more effective' Jerold Tucker, Principal, The Global Coaching Network Inc.

    • Can you be Master of all you Survey?

      The Performance Solution | Bath, England |

      With at least 600,000 jobs forecast to be lost in 2009 there is intense pressure on organisations to drive up productivity and performance. For most organisations improving the individual and team performance of people is the clearest way to drive up the productivity and performance of the organisation.

    • iWAM Can You?

      The Performance Solution | Bath, England |

      I have just completed the two day training course for iWAM, and survived! In fact, I found it completely fascinating and fully intend to complete the accreditation process and to use it in real life. iWAM stands for internet Work, Attitude and Motivation questionnaire. In simple terms iWAM is the most up to date psychometric testing currently on the market. The reports are applicable to recruitment and coaching, and can be used with individuals, pairs, teams and for organisations.

    • Obesity Coaching for Children

      The Performance Solution | Bath |

      The Performance Solution supports health and fitness with programme to positively coach obese children.

    • Understanding how people process information enables individual motivation and improves recruitment and retention issues

      The Performance Solution | Bath |

      Understanding how people filter for information and where they place their interest and energy can assist line managers in motivating them by using matching language. This then builds rapport, helps people feel comfortable and accepted at work and motivates higher performance. In these challenging times we need our employees to give the best customer service possible and they can only do this if it comes from within.

    • Learning from Marks and Spencer - a one off price reduction opportunity

      The Performance Solution | Bath, England |

      Due to the current economic climate, many companies such as Marks and Spencer have been giving one off special price reductions.

      The Performance Solution is pleased to be able to announce half price training in Extended DISC in January 2009, exclusively for those working in human resources, coaching, or training and development.

    • Further your career with TPS

      The Performance Solution |

      Gaining additional qualifications may be an excellent way to boost your employability. The trick is to choose training that relates directly to your career or develops transferable skills.

    • TPS launch 2-day iWAM Certification

      The Performance Solution |

      TPS are proud to release their autumn training dates to become certified in using the iWAM assessment tool, exclusively for anyone working within the human resources, training and development and coaching sectors.

    • Popularity increase in the use of Psychometrics

      The Performance Solution |

      Psychometric assessments incorporate a number of methods used by employers to choose the right person for the job, or to make promotional decisions and assess a development need and interestingly about 75% of medium to large sized companies that we work with, use some form of psychometrics within their selection procedures.

    • NLP: What is it?

      The Performance Solution |

      Today and unbeknown to most people, NLP forms the basis of much of today’s communication that employees and employers are embracing the term with infinite ease

    • Coaches: The benefit of training

      The Performance Solution |

      The Performance Solution have become one of the leaders of providing Executive Coach training through the support of Managing Director, Sally Vanson – but often she is asked what are the benefits of becoming a coach?

    • The importance of CPD in coaching

      The Performance Solution |

      The Performance Solution know that the concept of CPD is not new, but agree that effective professionals in all fields have always realized the importance of new knowledge, improved skills and the development of personal qualities.

    • NLP Practitioner Certificate with The Performance Solution helped to create popular new fashion webzine

      The Performance Solution | UK |

      A Website Creator and NLP graduate describes how she used NLP Skills to create the popular new webzine The fashion webzine was launched in June this year, after the creator completed NLP practitioner training with The Performance Solution in Wiltshire. It is described as ‘the ultimate guide for ladies of style’ and is experiencing a rapid increase in its viewing figures since launching.

    • The Performance Solution: A Friend for life

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      The Coach has joined the ranks of the personal trainer, nail technician and health doctor, as an essential aid to help you get through the day, your life or even to prepare for an event.

    • 'How to get what you want' workshop

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      Had enough of being held-back, want to develop your career, become more confident? TPS are running a 'no gimmick' 2-day workshop which will develop your key skills necessary to help you reach your potential.

    • Transforming personal performance with 360 degree feedback

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      The use of 360 degree feedback has become widespread in Executive coaching as a method of improving perfomance and for an individual to gain a greater understanding of how others perceive them. It is important that the right questionnaire is used and also the correct strategies for coaching.

    • Coming soon! - 'How to get what you want' workshop

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      The workshop which is still under development but due to be launched within May, will be a 2-day workshop to develop the key skills necessary to help you reach your potential.

    • TPS launch Influencing Skills Workshop

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      The Performance Solution are proud to launch their Influencing Skills Workshop, a 3 day interactive and informal workshop designed to accelerate your power of influence.

    • TPS Launch MA in Coaching and NLP

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      The Performance Solution are delighted to now offer an MA in Coaching and NLP by action learning, which is assessed, quality assured and awarded by the University of Kingston.

    • The Performance Solution reponds to growing demand for coach supervisors

      The Performance Solution |

      Recently there has been dramatic growth in the demand for coach supervisors caused by a huge growth in the number of coaches. The CIPD's 2006 learning and development survey showed that nearly 8 in 10 respondents were using coaching activities in one form or another and a similar number were seeking to develop an organisational culture characterised by coaching to support improved performance (

    • In house or external coaching?

      The Performance Solution | UK |

      The benefits of Executive Coaching are well recognised and proven to deliver significant return on investment and benefits to the bottom line but how should you decide whether to us in house or external coaches. What are the benefits of each and which is right for your organisation?

    • Are your employees performing to their optimum?

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      Ask any Team Leader, supervisor or Manager what is the most challenging part of their job and they will probably explain the daily frustration caused when trying to ensure that each individual in a team performs to their optimum. When probing further to try and discover the reason that managing the performance of individuals is such an issue you will probably be given reasons such as recruitment decisions, inadequate training and lazy or incompetent employees. These problems certainly in many cases will contribute to poor performance but the effective management of people is the key to ensuring that the contribution of every employee towards the corporate goals and objectives is maximised.

    • Extended DISC enhances team communication

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      Extended DISC has recently helped a large public sector organisation to significantly improve performance within a project team that was failing to achieve objectives within required timescales. The team, which had been working for several years, had had several changes of leadership suffering from severe internal communication and alignment problems. The Extended DISC system was used as part of a consultancy package to help individual and team development.

    • Boost performance by training managers as coaches

      The Performance Solution | Extended DIS UK |

      A new survey by the CIPD has found that a third of managers never discussed their training and development needs with them and rarely or never give feedback on their performance The survey also found that almost half of employees are dissatisfied with the relationship with their line manager. With so many of British Managers failing to recognise the link between performance and development, Extended DISC highlights how managers can learn invaluable skills for developing and engaging their staff.

    • TPS Launch Certificate in Coach Supervision

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      The Performance Solution are proud to officially launch their Certificate in Coach Supervision which is a 2x3 day module based learning programme.

    • Last chance to reserve a place for DISC training in January 2007

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      Places are fast filling up for the Extended DISC Module 1 certification course on 31st January in Hartham Park, Wiltshire. Extended DISC personal analysis is based on the same theory as traditional DISC assessments but offers both the natural and work based profile of an individual giving a true indication of their preferences and behaviours. It also offers a range of tools which can be used in conjunction with the personal analysis such as team analysis, team 360 and job analysis.

    • Excellent Feedback for the Extended DISC Newsletter

      The Performance Solution |

      The Extended DISC monthly newsletter was launched in 2005 and now goes out monthly to an audience of over 4000 readers. Extended DISC has received excellent feedback from readers of the newsletter, highlighting its relevance and interest to coaches, managers, trainers, recruiters and HR professionals.

    • Extended DISC highlights importance of coaching skills for managers.

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      Coaching is now a widespread development tool used in all types of organisation worldwide. The CIPD reported in their 2006 Learning and Development survey that nearly 8 out of 10 respondents now use coaching in their organisation with four fifths saying that their organisation is seeking to develop a coaching culture ( So why is Coaching such an important skill for Managers and what benefits will it bring to an organisation?

    • Extended DISC - testing for potential leaders

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      Last week the Times described how psychometric tests can identify a potential leader, provided they are tailored to the role and are part of a programme of feedback and development.

    • TPS Launch their 2007 Training Calendar

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      The Performance Solution are pleased to announce the launch of their 2007 Training Calendar which includes the introduction of our 1 day performance workshops, courtesy of Extended DISC UK, to compliment their OD and Leadership workshops, Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching and Coach Supervision Groups.

    • Extended DISC UK pledges to help businesses increase performance for 2007

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      Following a successful year in 2006, helping improve performance of individuals, teams and organisations, Extended DISC has committed to increase its range of services designed to improve performance, in response to customer demand and an ongoing need for businesses to improve performance in order to stay competitive.

    • Why Managers need coaching skills

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      Today’s Managers face many challenges. Not least the challenge to stay competitive in the fast paced businesses of today. But how can Managers ensure that they are adaptable and their people are working at their optimum to take the organisations performance to the next level?

    • Leadership: The Key to Profit

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      Nothing adds value to a business like respect at work and recent figures published by The Best Companies to Work For, shows this trend is increasing within the British work force, says The Performance Solution.

    • Extended DISC releases dates for 2007 Performance Workshops

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      Extended DISC have released 2007 dates for their program of one-day performance workshops aimed at improving organisational performance. The workshops provide solutions to many commonly experienced issues that limit performance within organisations and are invaluable to managers, line managers, HR practitioners and recruiters.

    • What is the biggest problem in UK work places?

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      According to new research published by the TUC, stress is the biggest problem in UK work place. A TUC survey of safety representatives found excessive workloads, job cuts and rapid change to be the most common triggers of stress in the workplace.

    • Extended DISC highlights how to keep high flyers on track

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK |

      With up to a third of high flying employees experiencing a period of sustained performance problems (Jennie Harrison, People Management magazine 28th Sept 2006), Extended DISC UK highlights the importance of managing performance of high flying executives.

    • Could size 00 be ruining your work relationships?

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdon |

      London Fashion Week has emphasised the increasing rise in the Hollywood culture of skinny, spawning an entire industry concerned with the ever de-creasing size of models waistlines and top of the UK headlines is Mrs. Beckham.

    • Selection for success factors not age

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK Ltd |

      With new age discrimination laws in force from 1st October, employers need to be more accountable than ever when demonstrating that their recruitment and selection processes are objective and provide clear evidence of why a candidate has been selected over other candidates.

    • Make your company a healthier place to work

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      Investing in employees well-being can pay big dividends and is supported by a recent article in The Times and with UK corporations, writes The Performance Solution.

    • Invest in more than just your building blocks

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      UK Companies are slowly recovering from a slump in employee creativity and resources, but it's not down to buying in new and exciting people, writes The Performance Solution, its down to UK companies being brave enough to invest in the people.

    • Team players make it to the top

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      Sally Vanson, MD of The Performance Solution believes that building teamwork is the way forward for companies in today's economic climate. TPS specialize in providing organizations with a full consultancy and teamwork package tailored to meet objectives, Sally strongly believes that 'Consulting is not just about diagnosing problems, but its about implementing change and needs of different people with many different skills.'

    • Test drive a job applicant

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdon |

      The other weekend my partner and I went off shopping for a car. To start with we were being practical, something big enough to fit the weekly or even monthly shop and somewhere to fit the weekend bags, but at the end of the day my heart was settling for a red sports car - two seats and not a lot of room in the boot - practicality had gone out of the window.

    • Sweet Success

      The Performance Solution | Extended DISC UK Ltd, United Kingdom |

      The 2nd series of 'The Apprentice', which was broadcast on the BBC this spring, has proved to be very entertaining but can we all learn something from Sir Allan's methods of staff selection. The UK version of US hit 'The Apprentice' featured a team of hopeful candidates all battling to become Sir Allan Sugars Apprentice. With such a successful multi million pound empire Sir Allan must be recruiting the right people, perhaps his recruitment methods could help us all experience this sweet success.

    • Coaches takes centre stage

      The Performance Solution | United Kingdom |

      There is a new buzzword in town: coaching. If your not even thinking about this, then your going to miss out. Everyone knows that coaching is not new, but its rapidly changing and growing fast in popularity. Coaching was once seen as the final straw for a manager that was not quite making the mark, but now its something that the top-dogs couldn't be without.

    • Can coaching give a good return on your investment?

      The Performance Solution |

      The biggest investment that any business makes is in people. All businesses, no matter what industry they fall within, have an element of having to manage people and to ensure that you receive a high level of return on this investment. Overcoming the challenge of improving motivation, dealing with difficult people and managing the team into high performance is a constant issue for people managers all over the world.

    • Sally Vanson raises issues from research into identity and transformational change at work

      The Performance Solution |

      Speaking at the first global JobEQ conference in Belgium on 1st July, Sally Vanson from The Performance Solution raised issues from her current research into Identity and Transformational Change at work. She discussed the importance of measuring attitudes and motivators as well as behaviours, and the need to re-evaluate through a regular re-measure as employees become more settled in their roles or where there is a large organisational change.

    • Extended DISC UK launches research panel

      The Performance Solution |

      Extended DISC UK is launching a research panel with the purpose of researching a number of different areas in relation to the Extended DISC personal analysis profile. They are looking for members of the panel who already know their Extended DISC profile and would be prepared to complete a short survey research questionnaire every few months using the Extended DISC online research and survey tools.

    • Could England football team follow England cricket teams success

      The Performance Solution |

      With World Cup fever upon. Could the England football team learn from the victory of the England cricket team at the ashes last year? The Performance Solution -coach to the coaches firmly believe that coaching, motivation and teamwork will be the key to England winning the world cup this summer.

    • Unique new NLP courses combine neurolinguistic programming with the power of applied psycho-neurology

      The Performance Solution | UK |

      The Performance Solution is pleased to be able to offer in conjunction with The Concorde Initiative, unique courses specifically for business or health professionals. Delegates will learn the skills and models of NLP at practitioner and master pratitioner levels but they will also start to learn, understand and be able to work with the psycho neurology of the individual as an individual. The combination of these two sciences in the field of transformational change is unparalleled in the field of human change technologies.

    • Advanced Executive Coaching Certificate dates released

      The Performance Solution | UK |

      The autumn dates have been released for the Advanced Executive Coaching Certificate programme, newly accredited by The Association for Coaching, are now available for booking.

    • Extended DISC poised for rapid growth in UK

      The Performance Solution | London,UK |

      After five years, Extended DISC the fastest growing psychometric and surveys tool is under new ownership in the UK. The surveys tool particularly offers easy options for bespoke Customer Satisfaction, Employee Attitude, Organisational Climate and Quality Audits.

    • Glittering line-up at Business Conference in Syria surpasses all expectation

      The Performance Solution | UK |

      H.E. Mrs Asma al-Assad, first lady of Syria, hosted the Women in Business International Forum in Damascus from 20-22nd May. Over 2000 delegates attended (including many men) and attended sessions focusing on Human Resource Management, Public Relations and Media Management, Strategic Business Leadership, Financial Planning and Managing Work Life Balance. The underlying philosophy of the conference was to promote equal partnerships across genders, politics and cultures to promote mutual understanding in the business world.

    • Ensuring NLP is credible in organisations

      The Performance Solution | London, UK |

      The Performance Solution has developed the first Masters degree in Organisational Neuro Linguistic Programming in the world. Sixteen international pathfinders are already engaged in applying their skills through their work based learning assignments. This MSc is fully accredited and applications are being accepted now for September 2005 start.

More news