Commitment to eLearning increases as further councils sign up with Marshall E-Learning
As the world starts to return to some sense of normal and offices slowly start to fill up as Covid restrictions are lifted, local councils have been taking a closer look at their eLearning needs to see how they can best support their workforce returning back from furlough and back into offices.
There has been a recent surge of interest, which last month saw both Bolton and Charnwood Council seek out a digital solution. They join our existing public sector clients such as Manchester City Council, Oldham, Blackburn, and Burnley Councils to take a variety of eLearning courses such as Let’s Talk About Race in the Workplace and the Managers Lockdown ToolKit – Future Ways of Working.
James Sellers, General Manager at Marshall E-Learning said ‘It’s great to see this renewed interest from councils as they look to see how they can better support their staff and ensure that they are returning to work fully updated not only on the necessary policies and procedures but on things like Race in the Workplace. These are important topics that not only help to create diverse and inclusive work settings but foster positive personal learning experiences. We’d love to hear from any other councils who feel we can help them in their eLearning journey.’
Ruth Seddon, Organisational Development Business Partner at Bolton Council said ‘One of the reasons that Bolton chose a number of Marshalls EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) modules, is because many of their EDI modules permit perspective-taking. This approach to learning is likely to have a greater effect on behavioural change in comparison to other types of unconscious bias training, which can have the unintended consequence of fostering moral licensing, thus appearing to endorse unconscious bias, which is the very action the training intends to avoid (CIPD, 2019).’
Developed during lockdown, this Managers Lockdown Toolkit Elearning Course is part of a suite of Managers eLearning courses that have been updated with a new 2021 Return To Work section and draws upon the direct experiences of the team and subject matter experts. Modules include:
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Leading and managing in times of uncertainty
- Returning to work safely and working in a socially distanced way
- Managing remote teams
The increasingly popular Let’s Talk About Race in the Workplace was written by Maggie Semple OBE, diversity consultant, businesswoman and entrepreneur.
Maggie said: “Not only does the course specifically look at race in the workplace, but it is also very topical. In my experience, not many companies or organisations have had the courage to explore issues openly around their black employees, their black students, their black customers, their black clients and their black supply chains.
“The word here is ‘black’. The issue of race has always been uncomfortable for many. But given recent campaigns and protests, including Black Lives Matter, the zeitgeist is all about how unjust society is for people who are black and what can be done about this.
Local authorities across the UK can tap into this and various other online resources from Marshall E-Learning to ensure they are ready and equipped to welcome staff back on-site and continue to provide a safe and supportive environment for staff during local lockdowns and social restrictions.
For more information, visit https://marshallelearning.com/ and find them on Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.