Personal branding at LearningLive
Learning sector recruitment specialist, Blue Eskimo, is hosting a session at the upcoming LearningLive event in London on the importance of personal branding.
Following the hugely popular sessions at Learning Technologies 2017 and the Learning Technologies Summer Forum, Blue Eskimo is back at LearningLive discussing once again the importance of the evolving 'role' of learning and development and the key skills required to deliver value.
Nick Bate and Nick Jones will be holding a facilitated session during Workshop 4 on Day 1 at LearningLive, covering the importance of personal brand in promoting individual roles and the L&D function. They’ll deliberate how the L&D profession is evolving and what effect this has on career paths.
Nick Bate, director at Blue Eskimo, says that the popularity of the past events is entirely down to the subject’s relevance to L&D professionals. “Building a personal brand, especially on social media, is a key way that L&D professionals demonstrate their passion and ability for their vocation,” says Bate.
The sessions explore how L&D professionals are adding significant value to the organisations for which they work, using social media and building an online profile that raises the level of debate around L&D issues. They also cover how the L&D profession is evolving, how L&D career paths are changing and which skills are hot now – and will be in years to come.
Blue Eskimo has long been a supporter of LearningLive, and is again one of its proud sponsors. “For us, LearningLive is where some of the best minds in the sector get together to exchange strategies, experiences and viewpoints. It’s great to be a part of this – delivering our experience as the leading recruiter in the sector.”
For those attending the session, Blue Eskimo’s 16.15 session takes place during Workshop 4 on 6th September.