Blue Eskimo presents survey results to global learning audience
The learning sector’s number one recruitment provider, Blue Eskimo, has unveiled the results of its annual survey on Learning Now tv.
Learning Now tv is a highly successful online television channel for the learning sector, reaching a global audience of learning professionals with everything from case studies to interviews, hints and tips to in-depth analysis and learning trends to research.
Learning Now tv was keen to interview Blue Eskimo about the results of its 2015 work and salary survey. Blue Eskimo has been running the survey for almost ten years – and it’s the only study of its kind in the sector.
Kim George of Learning Now tv interviewed Nick Bate of Blue Eskimo. The interview covered many of the key points of the survey, including the number of people who want to change jobs in the next 12 months (78.22%), the number of people who took a drop in salary to take their current job (71.73%), the daily rates earned by contractors – and how happy people are in their current job.
Nick Bate, director at Blue Eskimo, says that it’s important that employers take note of the survey’s findings.
“Although this is a really happy sector,” said Bate, “with most people either liking or loving their job, for most pay hasn’t moved upwards for several years and the vast majority of people are looking to move on. Objectively, this kind of movement is of course good for the industry – as it means new people bringing new ideas to new roles. But it could present a challenge to many employers.”
The interview is available now on Learning Now tv – although registration is required to watch the full programme, registration is entirely free and, according to Bate, really worthwhile.
“There’s really nothing like Learning Now tv,” says Bate. “It’s up-to-date, relevant and a great way to absorb what’s going on in learning right now. It is great to be a part of it.”