Fidelity Play the TAP Card
Ever wondered who processes and authorises your card transactions when you shop at JJB Sports, Adams, Selfridges or a host of other retail stores? It will be the people at Fidelity National Information Services (FNIS), a major outsourcer of credit and debit card services and one of the world’s leading providers of banking technology. Processing 40m credit and debit cards, supporting 50m card accounts and authorising £78bn of card transactions on behalf of over 6000 financial institutions and high street retailers requires a highly trained staff. The Training Foundation’s TAP® Learning System is not only helping FNIS's Birmingham based training team to standardise the quality of training delivery to call centre staff, but also provide a blueprint for an expanded range of programmes across the company.
Birmingham's main client is Creation Financial Services, who use both the FNIS systems and operational staff to service their clients and customers. FNIS Operations Change Manager Len Horton said “Like any outsourcer we operate within cost constraints – we have to be able to demonstrate a tangible business benefit for any investment – but we share a commitment to high standards of training with Creation because of the nature of the service we offer.”
Training Manager Jim Battersby has led his four-strong team of trainers for the past two years. Until recently the training focus has been on skilling the call centre staff, particularly since the introduction of a major new operating system.
“Because we’re tightly governed by financial and data protection regulations it’s vital that all call centre staff – permanent and temporary – operate to the highest standards of professionalism and compliance,” says Jim. “We work very closely with the company’s Quality and Procedures team to ensure that all our training materials strictly adhere to compliance and procedures, but are at the same time accessible – it’s an iterative process.”
With an expanding sphere of activity it is increasingly important for the team to build its credibility internally as well as externally. Jim’s priorities for training delivery have always been that it should be standardised, measurable, structured and most importantly fun and activity based: His team always enjoy and rise to the challenge of making even the driest of subjects interesting. These priorities have now come into even sharper focus.
“We were looking for some externally provided development for our trainers that would support them as our remit broadens,” explains Jim. As I saw it we had two options: go down the CIPD route or try something different with TAP®. In the end, I left it to the trainers to decide.”
A number of factors swung the decision: The Training Foundation’s strong links with the financial services sector; a more hands-on practical approach to training the trainers; a standardised, more measurable, assessable model – a definite plus point in an industry driven by performance management and measurement – and the fact that the training is role based and completed within a manageable 3-5 days.
“I didn’t want the trainers to get bogged down in a lot of theory, or have to wait 12 months to get a qualification,” says Jim. “We also saw TAP® as a powerful marketing tool, not only to sell our services internally, but as a sign of credibility to Creation’s existing and potential clients because TAP® is so widely recognised by financial institutions and retailers.” “TAP® has had a huge impact on the way we structure and deliver courses, particularly in terms of questioning skills and making the delegates think a lot more about what they’re learning. It’s made us review the way we do things and this has been thoroughly vindicated by the excellent feedback we’re getting from course delegates.”
A new word has now entered the FNIS lexicon: ‘TAPify’. All course materials are designed, monitored and scrutinised for optimum levels of ‘TAPification’. TAP® has provided the level of standardisation that is so valuable in a compliance driven culture, without stifling individual style. As the team extends its services and increases its workload the TAP® methodology will also help to accelerate, streamline and quality assure the design and delivery of new course materials.
“We are also delighted that we have now qualified to become a TAP® Partner and we display our certificate prominently like a badge of honour,” says Jim. “It communicates a strong message of professionalism to important existing and potential clients when they come to look at our operation.”
A clear indication of the potential business benefits of a ‘TAPified’ approach to training was provided when team member Nicole McQueen completely rewrote and delivered a sales training programme for Creation’s sales agents. Not only was the course a resounding success, it also eliminated the cost of buying in the services of an external consultant.
“Using the TAP® methodology during the design process and delivery greatly enhanced interaction with the group, as well as learning outcomes,” she enthused. “We will definitely be using TAP® as the blueprint for the design of all future training materials.”
Jim knew that he had a talented team of trainers but TAP® has raised levels of aspiration, self-belief and motivation to new heights.
“We have exciting and challenging opportunities ahead of us,” says Jim. “TAP® has given us really strong foundations to extend our services with confidence because not only do we have the technical and procedural knowledge but also training delivery skills that certainly match or better any external training provider.”