The Training Foundation announces collaboration with the British Institute for Learning & Development
The Training Foundation, under the TAP (Training Accreditation Programme) has developed a wholly online, tutor-supported set of International Qualifications, offered by the Institute from 1st September 2016.
This is the first time that TAP's double Queen's Award - winning, skills-based methodologies have been available wholly online to an international audience.
The Training Foundation is delighted to collaborate with the British Institute for Learning & Development (the Institute) in providing the first wholly online British Institute International Certificate in Training Delivery and International Diploma In Learning & Development.
This allows students from across the globe access to the double Queen's Award - winning TAP methodologies, with International British Institute Certification and membership, offering the post nominals BILD.Cert or BILD.Dip and ABILD or MBILD for membership.
The official Institute Press release is available at: www.tap-training.com/docs/bildpr010916.pdf. More details of the programmes are available at: www.thebild.org/international/international.html. For enquiries, please contact [email protected] or call 02476 411288 referencing British Institute International Qualifications.