Access Group launch webinar exploring how microlearning can drive marginal gains that matter
The concept of marginal gains has already revolutionised sports, but in recent years it has also begun to significantly change the way we approach personal and professional growth. Making those 1% improvements when it comes to learning and development (L&D) can have a big impact on overall business performance and Microlearning is the perfect way to support this.
The key to strong business performance is having staff with the right skills and high levels of personal and professional agility. However, the experiments of Hermann Ebbinghaus and his eponymous ‘Forgetting Curve’ famously suggest that people only retain around 80% of what they have learnt 1 month after doing so.
So, how can employers empower staff with the ability to regularly work on themselves and stay on top of their game?
The answer lies in thinking small
The concept of marginal gains has already revolutionised sports, but in recent years it has also begun to significantly change the way we approach personal and professional growth.
Making those 1% improvements when it comes to learning and development (L&D) can have a big impact on overall business performance. Microlearning is the perfect way to support this, enabling your team to tap into their full potential and make these small but meaningful steps towards a stronger business.
Join Ali Soper, our expert on workplace skills, on 7th July at 10am for a free webinar that will cover:
• How marginal gains in L&D can have a big effect on your organisation
• Why microlearning is the perfect why to drive these marginal gains
• How Access can deliver the microlearning content your employees need
• Q&A session