Unicorn Training Q1 Content Update
2019 has already got off to a flying start at Unicorn with the launch of its brand new Mortgage and Home Finance suite and updates to a good many courses, not only from its Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) collection but also from its content partners.
All courses updated in Q1 content have also now been converted to the improved version of eCreator, eCreator 2.0, and conversions of all courses will continue throughout 2019. The new format enables Unicorn to enhance the look and feel of the content, with new graphics on a larger canvas. eCreator also gives Unicorn the ability to support print-to-PDF features and to make the courses downloadable to the Learning Path app, where they can be undertaken offline and auto-resynced when network connectivity is available.
Mortgage and Home Finance Suite
Unicorn is delighted to confirm the launch of the first six pathways of the new Mortgage and Home Finance knowledge suite.
The suite has been developed in response to demand from the Mortgage and Home Finance market, brought about by the increased focus on regulation in the sector over the past decade. Unicorn has worked hand-in-hand with expert content partners, including FSTP and UK Finance, to create the most comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge suite available to mortgage professionals.
As part of this wholesale update, Unicorn has also taken the opportunity to completely revamp and modernise its design and approach. Short animations and videos bring the learning to life and provide a blended approach. Each key topic features a video summary that can be used for stand-alone knowledge reinforcement and as ongoing ‘mini knowledge refreshers’.
Claims Management Companies
1st April 2019 saw Claims Management Companies come under the FCA as regulator and the FOS as the complaints arbitrator. Unicorn is now finalising the required revisions to our GRC courses to include references to CMCs where appropriate.
NEW: Anti-money laundering
Coming soon to Unicorn LMSs in 2019. Unicorn is currently working on the new AML and CTF course, enhancing the content surrounding the practical tools and prevention methods for these crimes, as well as developing its Counter Terrorist Financing content and its parallels to AML preventative measures. This course is targeted for release at the end of Q2 2019.
Coming soon: Risk & Operational Resilience
Unicorn is pleased to announce that work has begun in earnest for the revising of and amalgamating of our current Risk Management and Three lines of Defence courses. Unicorn will be combining them with the latest thinking on operational resilience from the industry to bring learners a new and improved course that focuses on the application of risk management and resilience tools and practices in firms. This new course is intended for release in Q2 2019.