Unicorn Training to present an online event about creating Fit & Proper tests using Forms & Workflows
Unicorn Training's Learning Managers will present an online event about a number of tools that help organisations fall under the Certificate Regime.
Unicorn Training's Learning Manager is presenting an online event that will cover how to create Fit and Proper tests using Forms & Workflows and a variety of other tools available on an LMS.
Key messages included are how to use the new Person Categories tool, how to enable and customise certificates and create Mandatory Training categories. These tools help organisations that fall under the Certificate Regime to meet the demands of the regime and reduce manual effort and overhead.
Sessions for this webinar will take place on Thursday 26th September at 10.30am. The webinars are open to all administrators whether new to the LMS or need a refresher, and they are still free of charge. This forms part of Unicorn Training's September webinars.
A recording will be available of all of the core administrator webinar topics on Unicorn Help. All the recordings are chaptered allowing the viewer to quickly jump to the knowledge needed.
For more details or to book on the session, email the Learning Managers.