Mind Tools to host live 300th podcast following day one of Learning Technologies 2022
To celebrate 300 podcast episodes Mind Tools invite you to join them for a live recording of their leading L&D podcast.
Over the past six years the Mind Tools L&D Podcast has grown to become one of the leading shows dedicated to the HR and L&D industry, with nearly 400,000 downloads. Each week podcast hosts talk to special guests, industry leaders, practitioners, and authors to tackle the big questions facing our organizations.
To celebrate this milestone Mind Tools are inviting Learning Technologies conference and exhibition attendees to join them for drinks, canapes, and a live recording of the 300th Mind Tools L&D Podcast episode following the first day of Learning Technologies 2022. The show will last under one hour and will be followed by the opportunity to network with fellow conference attendees.
The hosts for the evening will be the Mind Tools L&D Podcast team:
- Gemma Towersey, Learning Experience Manager
- Nahdia Khan, Chief Impact Officer
- Ross Garner, Head of Learning Experience
- Owen Ferguson, Chief Product Officer.
They will be joined by a panel of guest speakers:
- Julie Dirksen, author of ‘Design for How People Learn’
- Phil Willcox, founder of behaviour change consultancy, Emotions at Work
- Dana James-Edwards, founder and principal, Consultant at Diversity Dana.
The event will take place at Tapa Tapa next to ExCel London at 6pm. You can register to attend here.