Mind Tools launches 'Learning Innovation Group' initiative to help L&D leaders access exclusive research insights
To celebrate 25 years Mind Tools are offering 25 L&D professionals the opportunity to trial the first Learning Innovation Group session of the year.
The Learning Innovation Group was launched over 10 years ago and is powered by Mind Tools’ independent research. The group was created to give leaders and L&D professionals a space to learn, empower and inspire each other. Through sharing on the ground experiences and case studies, valued members of the group have been able to build meaningful relationships with each other and accelerate transformation in their organisations.
Membership includes access to an annual calendar of events led by Mind Tools' Impact & Insights team. L&D professionals interested in joining the group can trial the first session of the year which is scheduled for 26th April 2022. This session will focus on Mind Tools' upcoming Learner Intelligence report which is centred around ‘Learning engagement in the reimagined workplace’. The report highlights how the COVID-19 pandemic has directly and indirectly impacted learning at work and the challenges employees face today. The session will delve deeper into the report findings to discuss key messages and to provide practical advice as to how insights can be applied to your organisation.
By joining the session, L&D professionals will receive:
- A deep dive into the latest Learner Intelligence research report, led by the researchers themselves
- A breakout session where you can share and discuss our insights and how to apply them in your organisation
- A chance to network with like-minded L&D professionals
- Lots of valuable insight and exclusive research findings that you won’t want to miss
Sign up for the trial here. There are only 25 slots available for the session and these will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Trial entries must be L&D senior professionals or people leaders from the public, private and voluntary sector organisations looking to enhance the impact of their L&D strategy.