Mind Tools for Business launches toolkit designed to empower small businesses
Earlier this year Mind Tools for Business launched their first Small Business Toolkit which provides on demand leadership and skills development for businesses with fewer than 150 employees, in any industry.
Mind Tools has partnered with Kojo Academy which specialises in supporting sales leaders through evidence based and extensively researched sales practices. The Mind Tools Toolkit with additional content from Kojo Academy has been augmented to create a suite of digital resources that will be valuable to small businesses. The resources are device friendly and available 24/7, 365 days a year, giving small businesses immediate access to practical guidance whenever and wherever they need support.
Small businesses play a crucial role in today’s economy and now more than ever is it important for organizations to be equipping their teams with accessible, on-demand performance tools that empower their teams to perform in today’s progressive workplaces. The Small Business Toolkit by Mind Tools has been designed to do just that. By putting a growth guru in the hands of everyone at an affordable price, every employee can thrive in the workplace.
The toolkit will:
Empower employees with a wide array of skills
Boost employee productivity and engagement
Cultivate a connection between learning and business objectives
Shape and inform future L&D endeavours.
“We wanted to make our successful Mind Tools Toolkit available to an even wider range of businesses. Speaking with small business leaders, we know that sales capability is incredibly important but training is difficult to access for a variety of reasons so we’ve partnered with Kojo Academy to bring their outstanding sales content into the Mind Tools Small Business Toolkit and make it accessible anytime, anywhere. We’ve made dozens of other changes to the toolkit to make it both suitable and affordable for small businesses and we’re delighted by the response it’s already received.”
Owen Ferguson, Chief Product Officer, Emerald Works
You can find out more about the Small Business Toolkit here.