Measuring how corporate learning has changed since COVID-19
This year’s Emerald Works Learning Health Check is particularly important as it assesses and measures how COVID-19 has affected the L&D needs of companies and individuals.
The Emerald Works annual Learning Health Check is the most comprehensive survey on the global Learning and Development (L&D) market. It has been running since 2003, and provides evidence-based research that can improve the learning strategies of organizations.
It invites L&D leaders across the world to take part in the most definitive quantitative and qualitative analysis of how corporate learning has changed since the pandemic.
What’s the impact on the way organizations and individuals access and use L&D resources? Which new trends have emerged? And are the issues temporary or likely to be permanent fixtures to consider for future learning modalities? This survey will find out.
So far, the Emerald Works Learning Health Check has drawn data from over 8,500 L&D leaders and organizations and enabled participants to benchmark against the most current, comprehensive data on the impact of learning strategies and investments.
In a COVID-19 context, learning professionals taking part will input into wider organizational learning and business strategy by:
- Sense checking their learning offering
- Benchmarking against their peers
- Improving their learning strategy
- Gaining insights on how to build a winning L&D offering
- Comparing how much they've improved year on year.
The 2020 survey closes on December 31st 2020. Contributors can see their individual dashboard results within 24 hours.
For further information, please visit our website.