The blended learning benefits of Marshall E-Learning and PRISM's Managers Toolkit during lockdown
Marshall E-Learning and PRISM have developed a Managers Toolkit utilising PRISM’s neuroscience-based diagnostic tool that is an ideal way to support people to develop while working at home. A blended learning option of the Managers' Toolkit was piloted recently at Salford University.
By combining core management training with behavioural awareness, the Toolkit helps managers at universities to understand themselves better and recognise how to be more effective both personally and with their teams while in lockdown.
The Managers Toolkit combines a series of e-learning modules that have a strong inclusion theme created by Marshall E-Learning, with the PRISM diagnostic tool, designed to deliver powerful insights for learners about behaviour and management style.
PRISM supports people to think about their role across several areas for example; how expressive, imaginative and innovative they are; how they support and cooperate with others; how they collect, manage and analyse data; the extent that they focus on results and getting things done.
PRISM, through the PRISM Map, provides insights into how managers can flex their behaviour and adapt to different situations.
The feedback session in the blended learning option of the Toolkit was piloted with two managers from Salford University by qualified coach, mediator and facilitator, Mark Crabtree who has 30 years’ experience of the HE sector.
The sessions, which can be done by phone, Skype or Zoom, involved interpreting the PRISM Map and giving feedback to the managers after they completed the survey through an in-depth discussion about concepts and ideas found in the Toolkit.
Mark explained: “Both managers had reached a career crossroads and wanted to move into or continue a leadership role. They needed to think more carefully about the direction of their professional journey.
Through a coaching conversation based on their PRISM profiles, the managers could make sense of their successes, aspirations and hopes and PRISM gave them a lens to view their next career move.
The conversations also allowed them to think deeply about their preferences, how they worked, and what they felt about the challenges laying ahead.
Both managers could think about their career journey, which meant looking at successes and challenges in their role and balancing this with feedback on their behavioural preferences.
The feedback helped them to explore their feelings and aspirations about their careers, in a safe space."
As one of the managers said, the conversation was "purposeful and focused."
Once a development need is identified participants get guidance on satisfying that need. PRISM, coupled with the Managers’ Toolkit, enables managers to understand better where they need to develop by offering hints, tips and information on how to grow, and do all of this while they are working remotely.
To find out more about the blended learning solution of this PRISM-enabled Managers Toolkit, please email [email protected], call 0845 123 3909 or visit marshallelearning.com
About Marshall E-Learning
Marshall E-Learning offers flexible, managed e-learning services focusing on quality, speed and innovation for over 250 UK, Irish and international clients in the public, private and voluntary sectors. We’re friendly, helpful and passionate about our blended learning technologies that provide cost-effective solutions for organisations.
PRISM is a sophisticated, online, neuroscience-based instrument specifically designed to identify the behavioural preferences that directly relate to personal relationships and work performance. The business community around the world has embraced PRISM, which is available in a wide range of languages.