Understanding personal biases at Unconscious Bias event hosted by Marshall ACM
Marshall ACM, will be holding an Unconscious Bias seminar exclusively for its clients, hosted by Dan Robertson, Diversity & Inclusion Director at ENEI (Employers Network For Equality and Inclusion).
Marshall ACM, leading e-learning consultancy, specialising in equality and diversity, will be holding a complimentary Unconscious Bias seminar on Monday 8 September exclusively for their clients, hosted by Dan Robertson, Diversity & Inclusion Director at ENEI (Employers Network For Equality and Inclusion).
“The session will provide an excellent opportunity for diversity, learning and development and HR professionals using Marshall ACM e-learning products to meet their peers working in different sectors”, says Marshall ACM CEO, David Marshall.
“For many years we have been offering our clients forums where we share best practice. Our partnership with ENEI means we can offer our clients complimentary sessions on highly topical areas so we’re very pleased that our session on unconscious bias on the 8th is already full.
ENEI’s contribution gives more depth to our training materials, which our clients will find extremely valuable, and it will enable our team to grow and help us develop our business further.”
Recently Marshall ACM and ENEI collaborated on a new ‘Unconscious Bias’ e-learning module, which is currently being rolled out across the country for the Post Office and for several universities.
ENEI will now take responsibility for updates of existing Marshall ACM equality and diversity e-learning materials, Dan Robertson explains: “We had been thinking of supplementing our consultancy with e-learning for some time. After evaluating many e-learning providers we chose to work with Marshall ACM because of their genuine passion for providing quality equality and diversity training. I hope the Unconscious Bias course is the first of several e-learning courses we develop together.”
Unconscious Bias has grown to become one of the key topics in the diversity and equality agenda. This is primarily because research is showing us that developing a clear understanding of how to best manage our personal biases professionally, is imperative for creating discrimination-free, fair, inclusive, and commercially competitive organisations.
Marshall ACM released one of the first e-learning courses on Unconscious Bias in the UK nearly two and half years ago. They have also developed 1-day and 2-day classroom training sessions that complement their e-learning course.
Marshall ACM provides Unconscious Bias face to face training sessions. More about Marshall ACM and its e-learning offerings are available via their website at http://www.marshallacm.co.uk.