Marshall ACM and Barnardo’s launch ‘Be Smart – Be Safe’ E-learning Pilot
e-Learning training package launched to teach children and teens how to avoid becoming victims of sexual exploitation. The course will be trialled in Lincolnshire over the coming weeks before being rolled out across the UK.
Marshall ACM is pleased to announce its recent partnership with Barnardo’s Training and Consultancy to launch the ‘Be Smart – Be Safe’ initiative alongside Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board. The course, which will later be rolled out to schools across the UK, is the brand new e-learning courseware from Marshall ACM designed to teach children and teens how to avoid being sexually exploited through both online and offline grooming.
Highlighting the danger signs of the grooming process the course uses scenarios to warn of how easy it is for children and young people to become the victims of sexual exploitation.
The courseware combines video, graphics, and interactive text in a clearly designed slideshow to explain to children and young people exactly what grooming is, so they can be aware of what to avoid should they find themselves or their friends in a position of sexual exploitation.
The slideshow features a scenario of two 14-year old girls named Chloe and Paige. Most of their conversation takes place via text messaging so that it is presented in a familiar context for users.
The courseware gives users the opportunity to determine certain outcomes of the scenario as it plays out through the use of multiple-choice questions. Users are asked questions such as: ‘Paige has started meeting Leon – and he’s giving her drink and drugs. What’s the MOST worrying thing going on here?’ Below there are four possible answers, which the user must decide for themselves which is correct.
Andrew Morris, board manager for the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board, said: “It is not about keeping children safe by wrapping them in cotton wool. It is giving children and young people the tools to keep themselves safe.”
David Marshall, of Marshall ACM said: “Having worked closely with Barnardo’s since 2007, we’re delighted to have been in a position to offer the course at a 50% discount on our usual price. We’re committed at Marshall ACM to using learning materials to raise awareness of issues surrounding equality and diversity and the chance to offer a course such as this that helps to protect vulnerable children is fantastic. With Barnardo’s and the initial rollout of the course in Lincolnshire, we hope to see the course make a difference in helping to keep children safe online.”
A demo page is available: Be Smart - Be Safe.
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