LEO research reveals growing appetite for measuring impact of learning at work
New research conducted by LEO reveals that L&D departments are seeing the value of making learning impact measurement a priority.
Do large organisations believe that measuring the business impact of learning is a priority? That’s the question that learning experts LEO, alongside learning analytics specialists Watershed and Learning & Talent Management conference network iVentiv, set out to uncover recently.
With respondents from over 350 companies across Europe and the US in various sectors – from government to motoring, aviation, defence and technology – some interesting patterns are emerging that suggest a big change is on its way.
If missed, here are the survey talking points:
- I want to use analytics to improve learning
- I believe it is possible to demonstrate learning’s impact
- Big data has a significant impact on my organisation
- The success of my department is evaluated by...
- I feel executive pressure to measure learning’s impact
- The biggest challenge of measuring the impact of learning in my organisation is…
“We now have increasingly sophisticated ways for organisations to measure the business impact of learning. Yet effective measurement is not standardised across the learning industry,” says LEO’s Chief Strategy Officer Piers Lea, who spearheaded the research. "We wanted to find out what the appetite for measuring learning impact really is. There seems to be an emerging pressure to get this resolved. As one client succinctly puts it: ‘L&D is the last great unmeasured spend in modern business’.”
Key findings include:
- 78% of respondents believe that it is possible to evidence learning impact, while just 7% feel that it cannot be measured.
- 86% of respondents say that they want to use data analysis to boost learning impact.
- The majority of respondents say that ‘competing priorities’ is their biggest impediment to measuring learning impact at work.
LEO will be drawing upon this research at next month’s Learning Technologies exhibition. Join LEO’s Imogen Casebourne and Peter Dobinson for “Measuring impact for your business” in Theatre 4, Wednesday 1st February, 10.15-10.45.
The full report is available via LEO's website: The growing appetite for measuring the impact of learning at work.