News from Docebo

    • Docebo awarded with Gold and Silver at 2017 Brandon Hall Technology Awards

      Docebo | Toronto, Canada |

      Docebo is thrilled to announce, for the third year in a row, two coveted Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Technology awards. This year’s awards are: Gold in the Best Advance in Learning Management Technology category Winner: Docebo. Reason: Democratizing the Learning Experience While Strengthening the Link Between Learning and Performance Silver in the Best Advance in Social Learning Technology category Winner: Docebo. Reason: Designing a Fully Integrated Social Learning Platform Experience

    • Docebo and Autodesk project shortlisted for E-Learning Award

      Docebo | Naples, Italy |

      Autodesk, the world leader in 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software and services, has been named along with Docebo, makers of the Cloud-based, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) E-Learning Platform, on the shortlist for one of the 2014 UK E-Learning Age Awards.

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