News story

Mandatory training is revolting

Learning NewsAmphigean

Amphigean takes mandatory training to task, inviting attendees to Learning Technologies 2024 to help rebrand it and to take back control of the negativity associated with it.


Amphigean is enthusiastically working on some very boring things.

Its focus this year at Learning Technologies is to reel in exhibition-goers who are repeatedly confronted with tick-box training that their teams are obliged to complete but have zero interest in doing. Those poor souls who come up against the dreaded compliance monster, that awful thing that survives upon wasted time and stifled yawns and lives quite contentedly under everyone's desk.

But those very boring things aren't always what they seem. The team at Amphigean is expert at handling mandatory training, taking the topics that have that compliance monster dribbling in anticipation and turning them into something wonderful.

They will be proudly showcasing some of those topics at Learning Technologies this year, on stand J58, and encourage anyone who has ever had to sit through an hour of being talked at to stop by and vent their frustrations. Not only that, but expert compliance whisperer and Amphigean M.D., Pete Simpson, will be presenting a play-by-play of how the team at Amphigean achieves incredible things with the most unengaging of topics. You'll catch that in Theatre 5 on April 17th at 11am.

Amphigean will be inviting you to have your turn to show compliance what you think of it, giving you an opportunity to help to rebrand the necessary evil that has wormed its way into every office in the U.K. at some point or another. So, take a little time to think about how mandatory training has affected you, and what choice words you might have for it if you had the chance to let it know what you really think, and then stop by stand J58 to join the compliance revolution.