Acteon explore insights from behavioural science at Learning Technologies 2017
How do you achieve real behaviour change with learning interventions? Acteon show how a novel approach to learning design helped clients like Channel 4 achieve award-winning outcomes.
With more than 7,000 visitors, 150 free L&D seminars, 250 exhibitors, the latest learning technologies, innovation and best practice and Europe's leading L&D conference, Learning Technologies is the go-to event for L&D professionals.
Acteon will be on stand D22 with some of their most experienced practitioners on hand to talk through current business challenges. Owen Rose, Managing Partner at Acteon will demonstrate how Learning and Development can benefit from behavioural science insights in his seminar on achieving behaviour change.
- Achieving behaviour change – a nudge in the right direction. Wednesday 1 February, 11.45am, Theatre 5
Acteon will also be presenting two further seminars which are aimed at hands-on L&D practitioners who are looking to upskill and garner insights from award-winning case studies.
- Agile video – learning lessons from TV journalism. Thursday 2 February, 2.00pm, Theatre 3
- Creating blended learning campaigns for impact. Thursday 2 February, 3.30pm, Theatre 5
Acteon will also be showcasing the Knowledge Centre LMS, their one-stop blended learning platform that has supported initiatives for Bayer, Daiichi Sankyo and M&Co.
More information is available from [email protected].