Watson Martin Launches CIPD L&D Foundation Online Programme - New flexible approach puts learners in control
Leading HR and L&D training specialists Watson Martin today announced the launch of a new CIPD Foundation Online programme in Learning and Development for candidates who want to gain their qualification in the shortest time possible. The uniquely designed blended learning curriculum includes one-to-one sessions with L&D experts, expertly curated content on Watson Martin’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), and new Assessment Support Webinars. This flexible mode of learning will be introduced in November targeting those who want to accelerate their career quickly.
Candidates who want to study at a more gradual pace are able to do so by taking advantage of the programme’s full ten months.
“We know that many of today’s learners are pretty savvy,” explains the programme’s developer Joseph Grech, a renowned expert in L&D. “As well as value for money, they are looking for expert tuition, fantastic learning materials and above all flexibility in their CIPD programme. Our new L&D Foundation Online has been designed with all this in mind and has everything they need to get the absolute best out of their learning journey with us.”
Watson Martin’s L&D Foundation Online includes a number of distinctive elements in its delivery:
Candidates can enrol on the programme at any time when they are ready and gain access to a comprehensive range of online materials via Watson Martin’s newly updated VLE. Immediately, they can delve into the latest audio clips, videos, podcasts, reports and articles on specific L&D topics.
Students can watch 30 minute bite size recordings for each unit which are full of stimulating new L&D content.
Two optional live drop-in surgeries will be held every month led by L&D specialists and specifically designed so candidates can ask questions to fine tune and complete their assignment.
In addition, and as for all Watson Martin CIPD and Apprenticeship programmes, candidates are supported throughout by a dedicated industry expert personal adviser.
“A key advantage of this new approach is that it responds to candidates’ learning needs. While our online tutorials cover the theory, the time spent in the live Assessment Support Webinars is targeted to what students need to know and the challenges they are finding in their assignment. It is a much more personalised programme which very much links to our ethos as a CIPD training provider – to go beyond in supporting our learners,” Joseph Grech adds.
For further information about Watson Martin’s new L&D Foundation Online programme and other qualifications and Apprenticeships visit www.watsonmartin.com or contact us on: 020 7932 2760.