New ‘Ready to Go’ e-learning responds to 2018’s biggest challenge for businesses
Award-winning specialist learning consultancy Walkgrove is launching a comprehensive suite of e-learning modules to meet the key needs of modern British companies. Ready to Go Essentials includes a package of over 130 core professional development learning modules to support UK businesses, whose leaders cited people development as the biggest issue for company success in 2018.
Award-winning specialist learning consultancy Walkgrove is launching a comprehensive suite of e-learning modules designed to meet the essential needs of modern British companies.
Recently surveyed business leaders predicted that people development would be the biggest issue affecting the success of their organisations in 2018. Senior executives of UK SMEs identified recruitment, retention and developing employee skills as the most substantial challenges to business prosperity, followed by restricted access to funding and investment for growth. Professional development in the modern environment is challenging: 1% of a typical working week is all that modern employees typically have to focus on training and development.
The launch of Ready to Go Essentials is Walkgrove’s response to the pressing requirements of time-poor, development-hungry businesses. The new product range includes more than 130 generic e-learning modules on commonly needed training topics within the areas of compliance, performance management and health and safety.
Sarah Smith, Walkgrove’s MD, said: ‘Learning opportunities are critical to employees’ motivation and to them feeling valued, but we know that time is precious within a demanding working environment. Our Ready to Go Essentials e-learning range have been carefully selected based on Walkgrove’s 20+ years’ experience as learning consultants to the UK’s top companies. It is an affordable and time-effective learning toolkit that meets all the key professional development needs of modern businesses.’
Walkgrove’s Ready to Go launch also includes an option for organisations whose teams are particularly short on training time. The ‘Take 5 Microlearning’ modules are short, five-minute studies that each focus on a single learning objective within the areas of compliance and health and safety.
To facilitate access to the e-learning range, Walkgrove deploy modules that can be launched on a company’s existing Learning Management System as well as offering hosting services via customisable learning platform, Astute.
More information
Information about Ready to Go training packages can be found at http://www.walkgrove.co.uk/colourful-thinking/news/ready-to-go-learning/.Free trials are available by contacting Walkgrove’s specialist training team: [email protected]