Towards Maturity collaborates with CIPD for the launch of the 2014 Benchmark Study
Towards Maturity and CIPD invite L&D leaders to benchmark with peers to help improve results and accelerate innovation in the learning profession.
Towards Maturity unveils a strategic partnership with the CIPD today on the launch of the 2014 Towards Maturity Benchmark Study, now in its 11th year, which researches effective L&D practices. The study first started in 2003 and since then Towards Maturity has analysed data from more than 2,900 organisations and 13,000 learners around the globe to continually provide independent evidence to L&D leaders looking to make better strategic decisions.
Towards Maturity have worked with CIPD and other partners to ensure that the research is updated to reflect L&D industry changes. Participation in the study provides L&D leaders with the chance to review their current learning strategy against the consolidated practices of top performing learning organisations. The hour long review provides an opportunity to reflect on issues that are relevant to delivering and designing a modernised learning strategy including:
- Aligning learning to business need
- Understanding the modern day learner
- Supporting workplace performance and collaboration
- Demonstrating value
- Harnessing technology to deliver results
Peter Cheese, Chief Executive of the CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development, said:
“There is plenty of great practice in learning and development. But there are still too many occasions where we proceed on the basis of what we think works, rather than what we know works, or where the capacity of learning and development to boost future business performance is limited by insufficient alignment with wider business strategy.”
“The pace and scale of the skills challenges organisations and economies face and the ever more competitive global markets in which we operate mean it is critical we are able to effectively demonstrate what the best learning and development practice is, and how the most effective organisations align it to business strategy. That's why all of us active in L&D need to benchmark and constantly strive to enhance what we do for the business, and why we are linking up with Towards Maturity to urge our members to participate in this respected study. It is all part of a wider partnership designed to deploy robust research to help drive better practice in the design, delivery and application of learning and development in the workplace.”
Laura Overton, Managing Director of Towards Maturity says:
“Today, more than ever, L&D leaders are looking to modernise their learning strategy and deliver approaches to support learners in a constantly changing work environment. With so many new models and technologies to support their transformation, it is sometimes hard to know where to start. The Towards Maturity Benchmark consolidates the effective practices of those who have already embarked on the journey and provides L&D leaders around the globe with a great opportunity to accelerate progress by actively learning from the collective wisdom of others. We’d encourage anyone looking to modernise learning in their organisation to make the benchmark their first port of call this summer.”
By taking part in this confidential study, participants will be sent a free Personalised Benchmark Report™ in September (value £300) with an in-depth analysis of their unique Towards Maturity Index™ – a measure of how the organisation is performing against others in the study. Evidence based, personalised feedback will highlight priority action areas to support L&D strategy development.
The Towards Maturity 2014 Benchmark Study is free to participants thanks to the Towards Maturity Ambassador Programme which is made up of 24 leading learning organisations. They work together as Ambassadors for change, identifying and improving good practice, raising awareness and driving the whole learning industry forward.
The Towards Maturity’s Ambassador Programme includes strategic partner CIPD, the founding Ambassadors: Brightwave, Epic, LINE Communications, The Corporate eLearning Consortium, Successfactors, Commelius and The Charity Learning Consortium, plus Infor, Speexx, learndirect, Acteon, QA, Kallidus, City and Guilds:Kineo, Redware, Upside Learning, Raytheon Professional Services, IMC, KPMG, Walkgrove, E-com Scotland , Kydon and Saba Software.
L&D Leaders can participate in the benchmark at this link - https://www.research.net/s/TMBenchmark14
Notes to Editor
Additional information about the Towards Maturity Benchmark study can be downloaded at www.towardsmaturity.org/2014benchmark
Laura Overton is available for interview
The press release may be re-produced in full but with a link back to the original source.
About CIPD
The CIPD is the professional body for HR and people development. It has over 130,000 members internationally working in HR, learning and development, people management and consulting across private businesses and organisations in the public and voluntary sectors. As an independent and not for profit organisation, the CIPD is committed to championing better work and working lives for the benefit of individuals, business, the economy and wider society - because good work and all it entails is good for business and society at large, and what is good for business should also be good for people’s working lives. The CIPD brings together extensive research and thought leadership, practical advice and guidance, professional development and rigorous professional standards to drive better capabilities and understanding in how organisations of all kinds operate and perform, and in how they manage and develop their people. A Royal Charter enables the CIPD to confer individual chartered status on members who meet the required standards of knowledge, practice and behaviours