Totara Partners at Learntec 2014 Show the Benefits of an Open Source LMS for Enterprise
Totara will once again be very well represented at the Learntec show in Karlsruhe, Germany, 4-6th February 2014.
"This year there are three great partners on hand at Learntec 2014 to provide expert advice on how the open source Totara LMS can meet learning and development requirements, bringing flexibility, maturity, cost-effectiveness and innovation. "Four hundred organisations from large multinationals to small enterprises world-wide can’t be wrong," explains Totara's Andy Kirk.
The three Totara partners at Learntec 2014 are:
Synergy Learning, Halle 1, Stand C71. www.synergy-learning.de
Platinum Parrtner Synergy is the top selling Totara Partner across the entire network for 2013. Synergy Learning knows open source and is also an official Moodle and Mahara partner.
Learnchamp, Halle 1, Stand D40. www.learnchamp.com
Gold Partner Learnchamp maintains the Totara German language pack. MTH Retail Group recently said of Learnchamp: 'that they proved the ideal partner for the impementation af a LMS and eLearning.'
ka:media interactive, Halle 1, located at the BITKOM stand. www.kamedia.de
Experts on 3D learning and assistive technologies, ka:media has also done some interesting work customising Moodle and Totara for clients. See Location-based learning Video.
Learntec is a key event in Germany for IT-supported learning. Now in its 22nd year, it is attended by decision makers from the eLearning and education sectors across German speaking countries and beyond.