The TAP® e-QUAL Programme is launched, enabling e-Learning Designs to be Quality-Assured
The e-QUAL Programme development followed from collaboration with NHS Wales and Academi Wales and a case study outlining the successful pilot programme may be viewed on the TAP website. Following feedback from the pilot, the TAP e-QUAL Programme is now launched. It will be relevant to any organisation which is resourcing self-study e-Learning modules, whether designed and developed internally or externally. Based on the TAP e-Learning Design Guidelines, e-QUAL is an integrated Programme which (a) provides skills training to enable content development that meets the Guidelines and (b) trains delegates in an objective assessment methodology, leading to TAP Certified e-QUAL Assessor status.
The TAP Programme is renowned for its unique focus on Quality Assurance of all L&D activities. The TAP QA models were recognised by a Queen’s Award for Innovation.
The TAP Certified Assessor Programmes for the face-to-face training medium, introduced in 2008, are now well established in all sectors. Following requests from TAP Partners, the e-QUAL Programme has now been developed to extend the Assessor Programme to also include the e-Learning medium.
The e-QUAL Programme development followed from collaboration with NHS Wales and Academi Wales and a case study outlining the successful pilot programme may be viewed on the TAP website.
Following feedback from the pilot, the TAP e-QUAL Programme has been enhanced. It will be relevant to any organisation which is resourcing self-study e-Learning modules, whether designed and developed internally or externally.
Based on the TAP e-Learning Design Guidelines, e-QUAL is an integrated Programme which (a) provides skills training to enable content development that meets the Guidelines and (b) trains delegates in an objective assessment methodology, leading to TAP Certified e-QUAL Assessor status.
Commenting on e-QUAL, Nick Mitchell, CEO of The Training Foundation said:
“e-Learning is now widespread across all sectors, with the majority of modules being delivered to learners in a self-study format, either developed internally or resourced from external providers. Since self-study learners lack the motivating support of an online tutor, modules need to not only be pedagogically sound but visually engaging to sustain learners’ interest and commitment. While there are pockets of excellence there would undoubtedly be benefit in increasing the consistency of the design and development methodologies employed, including the visual design. Learning design and visual impact have direct bearing on the learner experience and the learning effectiveness that is achieved.”
Clive Shepherd, the UK’s leading Consultant and Author on e-Learning, welcomed the launch of the e-QUAL Programme and commented;
"The Training Foundation has contributed more than any other organisation in the UK to the up-skilling of learning and development professionals in the use of new learning technologies. The team at the Foundation are well qualified to provide these Guidelines, which will make a positive contribution to raising the standards of self-study e-learning.”
Notes for Editors:
More about the TAP e-QUAL Programme is available at
For further information or to arrange an interview with Nick Mitchell, contact +44 (0)2476 411288 Email: [email protected]