Online course in MRSA infection control awarded certification by the Royal Institute of Public Health
The Royal Institute of Public Health (RIPH) has today announced the findings of their independent assessment of a new online course, ‘MRSA – you can make a difference’, formally launched by The Training Foundation earlier this month.
The RIPH administers an internationally recognised Certification Service for training packages that help to improve public health, safety and hygiene. This assessment process involves a systematic review of the subject matter and an in depth analysis of all the training design elements. Certificated training packages must meet their stated aims and objectives, must be easy to use and must meet good standards of training design.
Mrs Wendy Moore, General Manager of the Royal Institute of Public Health commented: “The ongoing fight against MRSA infection is now a top priority for both the government and healthcare professionals nationwide. Given these circumstances I am pleased to be able to confirm that the RIPH has certificated ‘MRSA – you can make a difference’.
Les Hobbs, Director of Learning Solutions at The Training Foundation commented: “ Rather than focusing purely on preventative measures and procedures, the new course provides an opportunity to identify and discuss issues which prevent those measures being put into practice, and at the same time reinforces the actions that every individual can take ‘to make a difference’.
“This month’s report from the National Audit Office shows that, despite procedures and training in infection control being widely available, MRSA presents an increasing threat. Surveys of healthcare staff indicate that often simple measures are not being consistently implemented.’ He went on, ‘We therefore decided to design this course in a different and unique way. Our short, online course brings these issues into the open, makes it clear to staff that they can make a real difference as individuals and, indeed, motivates them to make behavioural adjustment where any adjustment is necessary”.
Dr Tim Smith, Quality and Standards Directorate, Learning and Skills Council was positive about the initiative: "Fighting the spread of MRSA means that people must change their current behaviour. This delightful on-line course shows the learner how to make small changes that add up to a lot of impact. It's also fun to do."
The one-hour course is designed for all those who come into regular contact with patients. Being an online course means the course will be available at anytime when staff have access to a computer connected to an internal network, or to the Internet. For those without such access the course can be supplied pre-loaded onto wireless tablet PCs. All NHS staff and associated contractors nationwide will therefore be able to gain access.
The course is designed to be a learning resource to assist IC nurses train others and to help them motivate any behavioural adjustment as may be individually required. It is aimed at complementing routine infection control training rather than replacing it and may be used as a standalone awareness course or as part of a wider learning programme with follow up discussion or review sessions.
A unique aspect of the course design is that ‘MRSA – you can make a difference’ may readily be customised or linked to local, specific infection control policies or procedures.
The Training Foundation was formed in 1998 with the objective of “empowering everyone involved in training and developing others”.
The Training Foundation works closely with many major organisations across both the public and the private sectors and focuses on improving the quality of training being delivered to the UK workforce.
As a part of this mission, The Training Foundation has developed its own online authoring software for creating rapid e-learning content, called Lobster-online. Using Lobster, The Training Foundation is creating a library of relevant, customisable online courses for use across a wide range of public and private sector organisations.
“MRSA – You can make a Difference” was developed using Lobster-online.
About the RIPH
The Royal Institute of Public Health is an independent organisation promoting public health and hygiene through education, training, information and quality testing. It plays an active role in developing public health strategy through its work with Government departments and other key public health bodies. Its independent Certification Service assesses training materials and other products that can be demonstrated as improving public health.
The RIPH holds several symposia and training courses every year on a wide range of public health issues. Eating for Health in Care Homes, Occupational Medicine, Hospital hygiene and implementing HACCP are amongst the courses being held this year. Symposium subjects for later this year include alcohol consumption and policy in the UK, drinking water for health, and Salmonella outbreaks.
Further information on the RIPH Certification Service see:
Or contact:
Anna Zilnyk, Certification Department, RIPH
email: [email protected] Tel +44 (0)20 7291 8370