Access Group launch webinar exploring how gamification increases engagement with learning content
Over the coming weeks we will start to see our employees return to the workplace. Many of them may understandably be concerned about personal safety or have new training needs. Whether they need a refresher on workplace skills or to embrace new rules related to Covid-19. Employers need a way to help them brush up on skills, quickly and efficiently.
Over the coming weeks we will start to see our employees return to the workplace. Many of them may understandably be concerned about personal safety or have new training needs. Whether they need a refresher on workplace skills or to embrace new rules related to Covid-19.
So, how can employers easily support their staff when it comes to health & wellbeing as well as help them to brush up on the right skills, quickly and efficiently?
Get your people back on top of their game
Having the right content is obviously key, but to encourage people to use it and ensure it’s truly effective, it has to be delivered in a way that engages.
What methods are used to drive engagement currently and do they really provide results?
Have you considered gameplay? We all know that games can be a great way to have fun and engage but they're not always considered as vehicle for learning content.
Join Mike Hawkyard, our expert on Learning Games and Gamification, on Thursday 30th July at 3pm for a free webinar that will cover:
• What makes content engaging?
• What is Engagement Theory and how can it help me?
• How Gamebrain combines these elements to refresh knowledge
• Q&A