360-degree interactive video for learning explored at DevLearn
United KingdomLearning NewsSponge
Using 360-degree interactive video to enhance workplace learning will be explored at a special session at DevLearn, North America’s leading learning technologies event.
Emerging Tech: Head of Learning Innovation at Sponge UK, Kate Nicholls is speaking at DevLearn about 360-degree interactive video.
Award-winning elearning company, Sponge UK will be presenting an emerging tech workshop at the conference and exhibition in Las Vegas on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.
The session called 360-degree interactive video in learning: From concept to case study will follow the development of a 360-degree project and look at its uses in workplace learning and development.
Sponge UK’s Head of Learning Innovation, Kate Nicholls, is hosting the workshop. She said: “Video is shifting, becoming more immersive, but to be effective in learning it also needs to be interactive. I’ll be sharing my experience of creating fully 360-degree content that allows learners to interact and explore, while fitting into existing workplace learning systems. I’m hoping the session will help satisfy your curiosity about this exciting development in video-based learning.”
During the session, Kate will explain how layering different technologies, including gamification can create a SCORM-compliant learning experience. Those attending will get to see what 360-degree interactive video looks like and learn:
How to enhance workplace learning with 360-degree interactive video and 360-degree photospheres
Ideas for overcoming the challenges associated with this new technology
Methods for applying 360-degree interactive video successfully to learning
The skills you need to create effective 360-degree interactive video for learning
How 360-degree interactive video links to virtual reality (VR) and wearables
The session is relevant for learning directors, managers, designers and developers.
DevLearn brings together the entire learning technologies industry to share innovative thinking and emerging technologies, explore the possibilities they present, and define how they can drive innovation in learning.
The 360-degree interactive video session takes place between 10:45- 11:45 on Wednesday, November 16.
Sponge is a leading digital learning provider founded in 2004 with over 200 employees across Europe. Sponge offers innovative and engaging learning solutions to drive behavioural change, with data-driven outcomes, within global organisations.