Skillcast Compliance Crossword Challenge 2018
The Skillcast annual compliance challenge for the 2018 festive season is now live. This year the challenge requires people help Santa Claus and his team to identify and deal with compliance issues in their operations using crossword clues.
This challenge ends on 31st Dec 2018. Playing instructions and terms of use available on www.skillcast.com/xword-2018. This game is open to all, except Skillcast employees and associates.
The Skillcast annual festive Compliance Challenge is now live. Visit www.skillcast.com/xword-2018 to play. This year's challenge takes the form of a crossword. To solve this, you have to help Santa Claus, Helpers & Co Limited to identify and deal with some serious but fun compliance issues in their operations. Examples include:
- Mary calls to ask: "Am I on the naughty or nice list? Can I see all the information that you hold on me?" Yes, she can! It's her right of ------
- Prancer - a reindeer on SCHC's purchasing committee - receives a rental income from the South Pole Elves (SPE), who are being considered for a supply contract. This creates a -------- -- --------
- Elf Aeson - working in the North Pole Elves shipping department - has been paying off officials in the EU to get certain deliveries expedited. Aeson could be prosecuted for making ------------ --------
- Santa Claus and Niño Dios are the two major suppliers of gifts to the people of the world. They have an understanding not to encroach on each other's territory. If they were businesses, they could be investigated for ---------
- Reindeer Vixen gave birth to a calf eight months ago, and although she's back at work, the SCHC management decides to leave her out of the 2018 presents delivery team, thinking that she won't want to travel. Is that considerate or could it be regarded as an ----------- ----
The first 20 contestants to send in a perfect solution will win a gourmet "The Classic Collection from Hotel Chocolat" (worth £36) and a branded Christmas Compliance Challenge 2018 T-shirt (nominal value) and a further 20 will win just the T-shirt. Skillcast will also donate £10 for every valid submission (irrespective of the score) to Action for Children (https://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/how-to-help/corporate-giving/royal-mail-group/). The competition ends on 31st Dec 2018, and any unclaimed prizes on that date will be distributed to the next best entries.
For playing instructions and terms of use, visit www.skillcast.com/xword-2018