New research reveals wake-up call for L&D professionals
The worrying gap between employees’ expectations of ‘learning’ and the online learning agenda espoused by L&D departments is exposed in new telephone research by online training video producer Scott Bradbury.
In-depth telephone interviews with learners asked to use online systems, portray a picture of learning in the ‘real world’ which is at odds with the messages promoted by online learning pundits.
Scott Bradbury Director, Catherine de Salvo, who conducted the research, will share her findings at two free seminars at the Learning Technologies Show on 3rd and 4th February at Olympia in London.
In 'Facing up to Reality: On demand, No demand?'
Catherine will present her thoughts on how organisations can bridge the gap between the much hyped and overoptimistic vision of online learning and effective, warmly embraced learning experiences, which can be achieved through a combination of online and structured on-the-job activities.
Facing Up to Reality: On Demand, No Demand? Tuesday 3rd February 14:00 Theatre 1 Wednesday 4th February 11:00 Theatre 6.