The Pros and Cons of Gamification in Sales Training
Rapid development in online and mobile gaming continues to evolve and grow among users. Dario Priolo’s new blog post, No More Playing Around: The Pros and Cons of Gamification, reviews some of the benefits and challenges of Gamifaction in sales training.
PHILADELPHIA, May 10, 2013 — Gamification for sales professionals is not filling a staff lounge with foosball and ping pong tables. Rather, true gamification should be viewed as a means to not only enhance sales training you provide your skilled team, but also to extend the benefits of their learning by increasing knowledge retention.
Richardson’s new blog, No More Playing Around: The Pros and Cons of Gamification outlines a few issues to consider when evaluating whether to adopt gamification as part of a sales training strategy. The blogs reviews the pros of gamifcation such as the entertainment factor, portability, competitiveness, and ultimately the rewards of winning. The blog also touches on some of the challenges of using gamifiaction effectively including quality, costs, and frequency.
The complete blog is available at No More Playing Around: The Pros and Cons of Gamification.