Andrea Roselli, Richardson's Vice President of Design and Development, Named to 2008 List of Top Young Training Leaders by Training Magazine
Andrea Roselli, Vice President of Design and Development for Richardson, has been named one of Training magazine’s 2008 Top Young Training Leaders. This new awards program recognizes the outstanding talents, accomplishments, and leadership of training professionals age 40 and under.
Philadelphia, PA — April 10, 2008 — Richardson (http://www.richardson.com), a leading global sales training and consulting firm, announced today that Andrea Roselli, Vice President of Design and Development for Richardson, has been named one of Training magazine’s 2008 Top Young Training Leaders. This new awards program recognizes the outstanding talents, accomplishments, and leadership of training professionals age 40 and under.
Ms. Roselli is responsible for the successful design of all of Richardson’s client projects, including defining new program content and new product strategies – particularly in the area of new tools for training deployment. Andrea has significant industry experience and has developed sales, negotiations, presentations, leadership, and management training seminars, product knowledge training tools, cases, and other materials for Richardson’s class-room and e-Learning training programs.
Training Magazine will be honoring all Top Young Training Leaders at this year’s Training Leadership Summit, being held May 4-7, 2008 in San Diego, CA. During the summit, the Top 10 Young Trainers will be named and the Top 5 Young Trainers will be invited to serve on Training’s 2009 Editorial Advisory Board.
"It is very exciting to be recognized among the industry's top young professionals, “says Andrea Roselli. “Being given the opportunity to collaborate with my talented colleagues at Richardson on some of the most exciting and forward thinking ideas in learning is truly what drives me to be successful in this field."
“I am pleased and honored to have Andrea Roselli as an Executive on the Richardson team,” says David DiStefano, President and CEO of Richardson. “In just six short years, Andrea has advanced from a Design Associate role to the VP of Design, where she currently leads a global team of 22 people. The ability to relate to and understand the responsibilities of each and every position in her department has enabled Andrea to build a top flight team and afford the team in the depth coaching needed to perform at their best. Andrea has set the bar for the Richardson Design by demonstrating remarkable dedication, motivation, leadership and energy every day. On behalf of the entire Richardson team, I congratulate Andrea on this prestigious award.”
About Richardson
Richardson accelerates the productivity of sales professionals by ensuring they have the skills, strategies, and processes to achieve their objectives and implement their organization’s strategy. Utilizing a comprehensive curriculum, coaching, consulting, diagnostic testing tools, and a proprietary customization process, Richardson helps develop the critical skills sales organizations need to win. Richardson’s curriculum includes sales, sales management, strategy, negotiations, and service training delivered through seminars, one-on-one and team coaching, and interactive eLearning.