News story

Omniplex investigates impact of Covid-19 on the digital learning industry

Harpenden, UKLearning NewsOmniplex Learning

This week, Omniplex launched a survey looking at the impact of Covid-19 on the digital learning industry.

Omniplex, the global elearning solutions provider, is conducting a survey to unearth the impact, issues and uncertainty the Covid-19 crisis is having on the digital learning industry. The survey explores the impact on both individuals and organisations in the digital learning sphere, at a time when the globe embraces remote working.

Like many other global organisations, Omniplex has navigated the difficult waters of the crisis since January. Commenting on the impact of Covid-19, Matthew Lloyd, CEO of Omniplex (Group) Ltd said: “We are an organisation that embraces innovation and technology and the global pandemic is our time to truly put the tech to work. We believe that in these challenging times the digital learning industry can flourish, supporting other industries and sharing our knowledge on remote working and learning.”

Speaking on the intent of the survey, Omniplex’s Marketing Manager, Hannah Waddams stated “Omniplex has been in the digital learning industry for almost thirty years. In this time we have witnessed the highs and lows of our wonderful industry, though very few have been as large-scale as the coronavirus pandemic. That’s why we’re conducting this survey, we want to build a clear picture of the impact of the virus on our industry, and share this insight with our customers and peers alike.”

Click here to take part in the short survey and guarantee your copy of the results.