Tata Interactive Systems co-hosts the Forum for Learning Disabilities - 2013
Tata Interactive Systems’ TLDF (Tata Interactive Learning Disability Forum) partners with K.E.M. hospital, Mumbai and Citi Academy for Special Education (CASE), Mumbai to co-host the Forum for Learning Disabilities – 2013.
Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), the pioneer and global leader in learning solutions is co-hosting, on 1st and 2nd March, the Forum for Learning Disabilities - 2013 centred on the theme ‘Learning Disabilities – a more inclusive perspective’. Tata Interactive Systems’ TLDF until 2011 focused on Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia. The Forum for Learning Disabilities furthers TLDF’s efforts and includes within its purview three additional Learning Disabilities (LD), namely Specific Learning Disability (SpLD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The Forum for Learning Disabilities, on lines of the TLDF, remains a by-invitation-only workshop. It shall be conducted at the Citi Academy, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai. The Forum shall see participation from heads of educational institutions and medical practitioners across various districts of Maharashtra.
Some key speakers at the forum include Dr. Sunil Karande, Professor of Paediatrics & In-charge learning Disability Clinic, Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai who will be speaking on ‘Poor School Performance’, Dr. Kersi Chavda, Ex-President, Bombay Psychiatric Society who will be speaking on ‘Assesssment and Management of ADHD’, and Ms. Kate Currawala, President, Maharashtra Dyslexic Association, who will be speaking on ‘Building a Future of Empowered Citizens: Accomodations for Students with LD.’
In line with the TATA Group’s corporate sustainability endeavors, TIS initiated the TLDF in 2006 to ensure that students with special education needs receive the required attention as well as to spread awareness about LD which had been receiving scant attention in India. Since then, via the TLDF platform, TIS has been successful in generating an increased level of awareness and enabling progress in remediation activities for students with LD.
Announcing this year’s co-hosted Forum for Learning Disabilities, Mr. Sanjaya Sharma, CEO, Tata Interactive Systems, says, “The Tata group has always supported the cause of sustainable nation building. Tata Interactive Systems contributes to this vision by lending its expertise of learning design and development to the cause of children with learning disabilities”.
He adds, “Until 2011, the TLDF focussed only on dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. In 2013, the TLDF shall partner with K.E.M. Hospital and CASE to additionally focus on Specific Learning Disability, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder.”
Over the years, the TLDF has grown multi-fold based on the learnings from every year’s activities. It has achieved significant milestones in this cause which range from supporting the first LD Clinic in Mumbai to influencing the introduction of Special Education in the B.Ed and MBBS syllabi in Maharashtra and contributing to a significant rise in the number of students and schools registering for certification. More recently, TIS has supported the establishment of an LD Clinic at the King Edward Memorial Hospital—marking the third LD clinic in Mumbai. In 2012, TIS also won the Golden Peacock Award for its CSR initiatives in the field of LD.