TATA Interactive Systems Concluded its 6th Successful TATA Interactive Learning Disability Forum (TLDF) 2011 in Mumbai
Extended support to 40 schools for identifying and addressing Learning Disabilities ~ Inaugurated the second edition of Brain Teasers to aid learning in students with learning Disabilities.
TATA Interactive Systems (TIS), the pioneer and global leader in learning solutions, concluded its sixth consecutive annual TATA Interactive Learning Disability Forum (TLDF) on November 25-26, 2011 at Mumbai. The forum is aimed at creating awareness, promoting remedial measures for Learning Disabilities (LD) and share the latest global knowledge and advances in the area of LD. The select invitation only residential workshop was attended by Heads of 40 educational institutions from various districts across Maharashtra. At the forum, TIS also presented the second edition of ‘Brain Teasers’, a handy remedial activity book for students diagnosed with Special Learning Disability (SpLD), developed entirely through the voluntary efforts of TIS instructional designers, writers and visual artists.
The workshop which is in its 6th year provided participants an overview of the current scenario of SpLD and guidance on detection, diagnosis, clinic developmental aspects, remedial education and counseling for LD students.
The participants received training from eminent medical practitioners such as:
- Dr. Sunil Karande, Professor of Pediatrics & In-Charge Learning Disability Clinic, Seth G.S. Medical College & K.E.M. Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India.
- Ms. Rukhshana Sholapurwala, Special Educator to LD Clinic Seth G.S.Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, India
- Ms. Vinita Subramani, Special Educator and Learning Behavior Specialist, Based in Chicago, USA
- Ms. Vanessa D’silva, Clinical Psychologist
- Dr. Nilesh Shah, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, LTMG Hospital
- Mrs. Meena Shiledar, Counseling Psychologist at Learning Disability Clinic, Department of Pediatrics, KEM Hospital
Mr. Sanjaya Sharma, CEO, TATA Interactive Systems, said, “We initiated TLDF forum in 2006 to spread awareness about LD and ensure students with special education get their required attention. It is our firm belief that the workshop enables the participants to become ‘Change Agents’ so that they can initiate LD Clinics and remedial efforts in their districts.” Sanjaya further added, “We hope to take this initiative beyond Maharashtra in the coming years and make an impact on a national and international level.”
Dr. Sunil Karande, who addressed the issue - Poor School Performance, commented, “It is very heartening to see Learning Disability getting the required importance. Approximately 20 % of children in a classroom get poor marks and one of the causes for this is Specific Learning Disability (SpLD). Through timely counselling and remedial measures, LD can be taken care of. Hence such workshops like TLDF are necessary so that teachers can identify the larger underlying problem in low-scoring children.”
TLDF 2011 brought together both national and international speakers who gave valuable inputs in varied aspects of LD. The theme this year was ‘Focus on spreading awareness and building local LD capabilities, beyond Mumbai’.
TIS’ LD initiatives have resulted in the following key outcomes:
- About 355 learning disabled children have received LD certification in the year 2010.
- About 195 schools have registered for LD certification in the year 2010.
- TIS has worked with LD Core Team from the LD Hospital to test and improve the early diagnostics testing screen for primary classes.
- The subject of LD has been made a part of the MBBS syllabus in Maharashtra.
- TIS employees are volunteering to improve awareness of LD in Mumbai and Kolkata
- Since 2010, TIS is supporting the new LD clinic at the King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEM) in Mumbai.
Additionally in 2011, TIS supports and sponsors the Teacher Training program focused on increasing awareness of LD through workshops held at the KEM Hospital in Mumbai and to be held in Kolkata, with faculty drawn from the LD Clinic at the KEM Hospital.