Tata Interactive Systems' program short-listed for Training Journal Awards
A Process Training program developed by Tata Interactive Systems (TIS) was recently short-listed in the 'Best e-learning program' category at the Training Journal (TJ) Awards 2009.
TIS' program to facilitate Micronutrient Initiative (MI) and World Food Programme's (WFP) initiative to eradicate iodine deficiency through structured training on salt quality for salt manufacturers across Africa was short-listed in the "Best e-learning program" category at the Training Journal (TJ) Awards.
The TJ Awards follow the TJ Conference, which selects the top twelve names from all sections of the learning industry including HR, L&D, Diversity, Coaching, Training, and Corporate organizations.
The Micronutrient Initiative(MI)MI), a Canada-based international not-for-profit organization dedicated to eliminating vitamin and mineral deficiencies worldwide, is engaged in basic research, setting up local fortification projects and developing and implementing national programmes and campaigns. MI is in the process of building monitoring and quality assurance systems for salt fortifying factories across Africa.
MI needed to train the production personnel of African salt factories and external monitors (government officials and personnel from non-governmental institutions) who monitor these factories to ensure adherence to quality standards. Tata Interactive Systems recommended a blended learning solution to bring the target audience to the desired competency level, with quantified improvements in knowledge and skill levels.
As a result of the Tata Interactive Systems' solution, the target audience benefited from a formal training curriculum and a holistic learning experience that covered just-in-time training and takeaways such as posters and other visual aids. Not only did the program receive exemplary ratings, it helped address a vital training need that would enable the stakeholders to reach the larger goal of complete eradication of iodine deficiency in the African region.
© 2009 Tata Interactive Systems