Tata Interactive Systems focuses on simulations and safety
Helping organisations to align their training with their business goals accurately - producing greater productivity, faster acquisition of knowledge and healthier 'bottom lines' - is the theme of global e-learning producer, Tata Interactive Systems (TIS)'s stand at this year's Learning Technologies event, at Olympia, London, on 31st January and 1st February. In particular, the stand focuses on simulations and safety.
Helping organisations to align their training with their business goals accurately - producing greater productivity, faster acquisition of knowledge and healthier 'bottom lines' - is the theme of global e-learning producer, Tata Interactive Systems (TIS)'s stand at this year's Learning Technologies event, at Olympia, London, on 31st January and 1st February. In particular, the stand focuses on simulations and safety.
Alan Samuel, TIS's head of operations in the UK, said: "In addition to our sophisticated TOPSIM business simulation suite, this year's TIS stand will focus on our e-learning materials on child protection and health & safety."
TIS has been developing simulations for over five years. The company specialises in building simulations spanning both ends of the spectrum - ranging from single-player simulations (SimBLs™) that help learners understand concepts at the granular level to multi-player simulations (TOPSIM) where learners manage an entire business.
TOPSIM, which is currently being used by more than 1,000 customers, is a decision-making multiplayer simulation that offers learners a systemic perspective of the business environment. The objective in a TOPSIM is to train learners on specific business functions while retaining the context of the overall business and operating environment - so learners manage an entire business, making decisions across various business functions like marketing, production, and R&D to logistics and HR.
"We do not sell software. We sell a thrilling way to learn," said Dr Georg Fehling, one of TOPSIM's developers, who will be conducting a seminar at Learning Technologies on business simulation techniques.
TIS's other focus at Learning Technologies will be on a wide range of safety-related e-learning materials - including TIS's answer to a common problem faced by all organisations that work with children: how to provide effective training to the staff, carers and volunteers involved in child protection.
"Such things as the Children Act 2004 led to the definition of a 'common core of skills and knowledge for the children's workforce'," Samuel explained. "This covers effective communication and management; child and young person development; safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child; supporting transitions; multi-agency working, and sharing information."
Working with organisations - including local councils in the UK - TIS has developed customisable e-learning programmes dealing with all these issues in order to equip personnel with the knowledge and skills needed by all those whose work involves dealing with and caring for children. Each programme - tailored to each particular agency - covers:
• The basics of child protection
• How to identify a child at risk
• How to develop the skills required to help each child
TIS has also been developing a wide range of health & safety related e-learning materials for clients, covering issues in food hygiene as well as a series of e-learning materials covering safety issues for 'first response units', intended for firemen, ambulance crews and so on, rather than senior management. Examples of these learning materials will also be on show at the TIS stand (number 38) at the Learning Technologies show.