Insurance industry help from Tata Interactive Systems
The global e-learning producer, Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), has launched an electronic performance support system (EPSS) intended to help motor insurance claims handlers to process customer claims up to three times faster - and more accurately - than before.
The global e-learning producer, Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), has launched an electronic performance support system (EPSS) intended to help motor insurance claims handlers to process customer claims up to three times faster - and more accurately - than before.
In trials of the EPSS, motor insurance claims handlers - who used to take 21 months to handle a typical 'whiplash' claim - took just three months to settle a similar claim after having constant access to case law through the EPSS. This enabled three claims to be settled in the time it used to take to settle one.
Moreover, where it used to take up to nine years to train a claims handler, the TIS e-learning materials have enabled claims handlers to become fully qualified in just three months - providing further major potential savings for company users.
TIS's Reg Agyeman explained: "Claims handling is a complex subject and claims handlers have little time to go on traditional classroom-delivered courses - since they are chiefly required to field calls from customers and process their claims. In trials, e-learning has proved invaluable as a means of delivering learning to the claims handlers' computer screens at their point of need.
"All claims depend on a point of law - and the claims handlers are not lawyers," he said.
"Consequently, they don't want to talk to lawyers, so they prefer to communicate with the lawyers by writing letters. This can take time - and delay the settlement of the claim.
"However, the e-learning materials from TIS contain precedents from case law. They set out each test case and contain diagrammatic scenarios to help the claims handler talk directly to the lawyers."
TIS's EPSS for motor insurance claims handlers contains some 150 animations relating to case law. These help the claims handlers to quickly understand both the accident scenario that each claimant presents and the most efficient way in which to process the claim.