Leading learning provider Litmos Heroes provides GDPR training to struggling businesses
Following extensive research on SME preparedness for the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), leading learning provider Litmos Heroes discovers worrying stats on how businesses are preparing for changes, with nearly 27% of those surveyed citing a lack of confidence around the actions they need to take to ensure compliance. To help upskill and empower workforces across the world, Litmos Heroes are offering a video explainer course to anyone who wants it.
With two months to go, businesses still aren’t prepared
The new GDPR regulations, which will come into force across the EU on May 25 2018, endeavour to introduce much more stringent rules on the processing and storage of personal data, as well as much stricter regulations around consent. It will apply to any organisation who holds data on citizens of the EU, regardless of the location of the business.
Despite the threat of fines of up to €20 million for non-compliance, almost a third of UK business leaders admit they have never even heard of GDPR. With new regulations to be strictly enforced in mere months, businesses cannot afford to ignore them. But many businesses are confused: more than two-thirds have either not yet begun to take steps to ready themselves or are only in the early stages of doing so (according to research from the FSB, which echoes the Litmos Heroes research).
So, with many organisations still entirely unsure where to start, what to do and how to train their staff, the team at Litmos Heroes has decided to release their GDPR express training video to the general public, available to download for anyone who wants or needs it.
Limited time access to free video training
Available to download for free, this video training will introduce businesses to many of the complexities of the new regulations, highlighting the ten things that must be done to ensure compliance with the new regulations. Provided as an MP4, the training video is a flexible resource which could be applied to a variety of training interventions including:
- Within classroom training sessions – break up presentations, provide fresh visuals to audiences.
- As part of any bespoke elearning which is currently being built in-house.
- As key refresher training to ensure maximum memory recall.
- As standalone training, complemented with your own blended resources.
With just over two months to go until the wide-ranging new EU regulations come into force, organisations need to act now to get their data aligned with the new regulations, as well as ensuring their staff are fully aware, and adhering to, the changes required. This free piece of training can help with that; as well as boost confidence and encourage businesses to take GDPR seriously.
Litmos Heroes are a global provider of video-based, off-the-shelf training. Offering over 2,500 courses and videos across a range of business-critical subjects, Litmos Heroes is saving the world from boring learning. The GDPR training is available free from the Litmos Heroes website.
All statistics provided from research conducted by 3GEM Research and Insights on behalf of Litmos Heroes, October 2017