L&D professionals speak out on what is needed from a mobile enterprise platform
In a webinar hosted by the Learning and Skills Group last week, LINE, along with their client, Jaguar Land Rover, presented a case study to over 140 learning and development professionals titled, Mobile Learning: developing an enterprise wide global programme. The webinar sparked a record amount of discussion in the chat area, demonstrating that mobile is still a hot topic for our industry.
One of the areas of discussion centred on a question that Trevor Drawwater of Jaguar posed to the group which looked at what organisations look for in a mobile enterprise platform. Ease of use was cited as the most important feature, with multi- platform publishing being second; important to more than a quarter of the respondents. Speed, security and agility were all recognised as having equal importance and accessibility, integration with existing LMS’s and personalisation were also highlighted.
During what was a very interactive session the presenters, Dominic Mason from LINE and Trevor Drawwater from Jaguar, also asked the audience where mobile fitted within their learning strategy. It was clear that although most participants had plans for mobile, many were at the very early stages of integrating this into their overall strategy.
Trevor Drawwater delivered a fascinating presentation showing how Jaguar Land Rover are rolling out a global programme to enable mobile channels to be used effectively for self-paced learning, performance support, and as a point of sales tool. Central to this programme is LINEstream, LINE’s the mobile enterprise platform, an innovative enterprise level architecture that can be adapted to solve a wide range of business challenges, as well as creating stand-alone mobile apps.
A copy of the presentation complete with a data capture of the online chat can be found on the learning and skills group website at http://learningandskillsgroup.ning.com/forum/topics/sept-6th-mobile-learning-developing-an-enterprise-wide-global-pro.
More details on the Learning and Skills Group is available at http://learningandskillsgroup.ning.com/ and more details on LINE’s mobile solutions including help formulating a mobile strategy is available at www.line.co.uk/mobile.