LINE announces a new jointery scenario-based, Step-In, Step-Out, VBSWorlds and e-learning project
Sheffield: 2nd December 2011. LINE Communications, a key provider of technology centric training solutions across the Defence sector has been down-selected by the DE&S Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance PSF (DE&S ISTAR PSF) to develop a scenario-based learning project entitled ISR CBT. Targeted at both senior and junior tri-service officers this programme steps-in and steps-out of e-learning and an immersive 3D VBSWorlds environment to deliver highly interactive and engaging intelligence gathering training.
The training will be SCORM conformant and will be available on the Defence Learning Portal (DLP), other network infrastructures and mobile devices.
LINE is currently working with a number of clients to deliver training solutions that are designed to use the Step-In, Step-Out (SISO) methodology which was envisaged by Major Jill Pease on behalf of the MOD.
Keith Downes, LINE Director and Defence Lead says, "We are delighted to have won this work with the DE&S ISTAR PSF. The requirements document was technically, creatively and financially challenging and it's a testament to LINE's development over the last few years that we were able to comply at all levels. We are great supporters of the Step-In, Step-Out methodology and have applied it in projects with VBS2 and Virtual Task Trainers (VTTs). To be extending our experience to Caspian Learning's VBSWorlds is really exciting and will be the first of its kind on the DLP.