LEO Learning to Host Webinar on How Video Drama Meets the Expectations of Today’s Learners
LEO Learning is hosting a 30-minute webinar exploring how organizations can meet the expectations of today’s learners with video drama.
LEO Learning, a market leader in global learning strategy, content, and technology, is hosting a free 30-minute webinar that looks at why video drama is a highly accessible and powerful tool for learning, and how it can be used to connect with your learners and meet their expectations.
Topic: Meet the Expectations of Today’s Learners With Video Drama
When: Wednesday, July 20th from 4:00-4:30 PM BST
Presented by: LEO’s Executive Producer of Moving Image, Frank McCabe, and Director of Strategic Design, Andrew Joly
Session in brief: We’re all highly literate when it comes to video—we consume it in our everyday lives, making it the most accessible and powerful tool for learning. It’s a flexible, cost-effective, and ubiquitous medium that can be used to connect with your learners and meet their expectations. Join Frank and Andrew as they share why video drama is a powerful learning tool, how you can get the most out of your video drama, and six key considerations you need to ask yourself to get the best results.
"Learning drama can achieve results that simply aren't possible by other means, but the process of making a great product can be daunting for many organizations. This webinar will help you think clearly and effectively about commissioning moving image, and to make confident decisions about what it is you want," said Frank McCabe, Executive Producer of Moving Image at LEO Learning.
To register for the webinar, sign up here.