LEO announces landmark contract win for Civil Service Learning
LEO is delighted to announce that it has just signed a transformational and substantial contract for the Civil Service.
As part of a strategic alliance with KPMG UK, LEO has won a formal tender process managed by Crown Commercial Service on behalf of Civil Service Learning (CSL). The consortium has been awarded a three-year contract to provide learning and development services for the entire UK Civil Service.
CSL is dedicated to providing appropriate and timely learning and development to all UK civil servants, which comprises more than 400,000 people. In collaboration with KPMG, LEO will lead the design and development of the new learning architecture, creating blended courses that incorporate a combination of digital, informal and classroom components. KPMG and other consortium members will be responsible for other aspects of the contract with CSL, including the delivery of face-to-face training.
Jonathan Satchell, Chief Executive of LTG said: “We are delighted to be working with KPMG on this significant contract for Civil Service Learning. This confirms we are now able to deliver major scale strategic learning solutions to government and global corporate customers, which has both affirmed and endorsed the strategy of acquiring LINE and combining it with Epic to create LEO.”
For the past several years, LEO has been a strategic learning partner of CSL, working across different departments to deliver award-winning learning. This includes hosting a large-scale learning platform to improve infrastructure, creating a comprehensive learning strategy and delivering marketing communications to their database of learners.
Piers Lea, Chief Strategy Officer of LEO said: “We’re very excited to have been awarded this contract to provide a core curriculum for Civil Servants across the UK that is truly blended and impact-driven. The scope and scale provides the opportunity to do something ground-breaking that pulls together the combined skills of a world-class consortium.”
More information is available in the full announcement from the Cabinet Office and CSL or contact LEO for all other press enquiries.